Elmhurst natural playground
Dear locals,
We are fundraising for phase 2 of a natural woodland play area in Elmhurst Gardens.
Inspiration came when a large oak tree fell in the park in April 2020.
After it had been cut up by the council, children were having a wonderful time climbing all over it during lockdown.
A great suggestion was made to use this natural and free resource, in a more permanent way.
Elmhurst playground association, a charity set up to fund play equipment in the park, along with Vision Redbridge have both contributed to phase 1 ‘Mythical Creatures’ and has been skilfully created by Marshall of Natural Garden Sculptures.
We would love to fund a second phase of the project, to use the rest of the wood for further carved creatures and climbing apparatus.
This natural space for the children has been invaluable, particularly in these unprecedented times. It brings the community together and will be here for decades to come.
Many thanks for your donation.
Elmhurst Playground Association.