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Elona’s Plea to Save Her Father from Cancer

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Pershendetje te gjitheve, une quhem Elona.

Me dhimbjen e vajzes per babain, nga thellesia e zemres per njeriun tone te shtepise, me dashurine per jeten, e perulur, gjeje kurajon/forcen t’ju drejtohem juve sot, per ndihme,solidaritet per tu gjendur prane familjes sime, ku sot erresira vegullon mbi shtratin e babit tone te semure.

I dashuri babai jone, Zoi Saveta vuan nga nje semundje e rende tumorale ne rruget Biliare e cila ne gjuhen e mjekesise quhet (Cholangiocarcoma).
Babai u diagnostikua rastesisht nga kjo semundje kancerogjene ne Dhjetor 2022, lajmi per nje semundje te tille na pikelloi, ku e gjitha bota per familjen tone u permbys, duke menduar qe perballe kemi nje armik shume te veshtire.

Ketu filloi kalvari I veshtire I babait tone ne lufte per jeten. Doktoret rekomanduan te benin nje operacion per te hequr masen tumorale dhe me pas te vazhdonim chemeotherapy per 6 muaj ne 6 seanca. Pas chemeotherapy, u be nje PET Scan per te pare ecurine e semundjes.

Rezultatet e PET Scan ishim shkaterruese, chemeotherapy nuk kishte funksionuar, semundja ishte perhapur me metastaza ne melci. Doktoret ketu ne Shqiperi nuk na dhane me shpresa.Te gjendur perballe ketij fakti, menduam ta dergonim jashte shtetit si ne Italy, Gjermani, apo Turqi.

Vendosem ta nisnim ne Turqi ne nje klinike private.Mbas ekzaminimeve te bera nga doktoret Turq, ata vendosen qe babai te kryente nje trajtim qe ne gjuhen mjekesore quhet Y90 (radioactive yttrium-90) ne 2 seanca per te eliminuar dy masa te medha qe ishin krijuar ne melci.

Per kjo nuk ishte aspak procedure e lehte pasi kishte si effect anesore uljen e immunitetit tek babait jone duke ju shfaqur infeksione, te cilat nuk lejuan vazhdimin e chemeotherapy per te frenuar semundjen, si pasoje vatra te reja u shfaqen.

Ne kete situate doktoret Turq sugjeruan trajtimin me Radio Therapy, e cila u zhvillua ne 5 seanca. Si resultat I ketyre trajtimeve gjendja e tije eshte me stabel, por doktoret kane vendosur qe ai te rifilloje chemeotherapy sespe ka 6 muaje qe nuk ben chemeotherapy si pasoje e trajtimeve te permenduara me siper.

Rifillimi I chemeotherapy do e ndihmoje ne parandalimin e perhapjes se metejshme te semundjes. Shpenzimet e deritanishme jane mbuluar nga familja, ne nje vlere goxha te konsiderueshme mbi 120,000 EURO. Por qe tani e kemi te pamundur mbeshtetjen nga ana finaciare me trajtimet e sugjeruara nga doktoret per ne vazhdim.

E kisha shume te veshire qe t’ju drejtohesha juve, por tani qe ju e dini historine e babait tone, nuk duam qe e gjithe puna dhe sakrificat tona per babait tone te dashur te nderpriten ketu.

Prandaj me doren ne zemer, ju drejtohem te gjithe njerezve te mire te kesaj bote, me sa te mundeni, ta ndihmojme Zoi Saveten.

Na ndihmoni te shpetojme babain tone te dashur.

Faleminderit te gjitheve.

Hello everyone, my name is Elona.

With the pain of a daughter for her father, from the depth of the heart for the man of our home, with love for life, humble, find the courage/strength to address you today, for help, solidarity to be close to my family, where today darkness looms over the bed of our ailing father.

Our beloved father, Zoi Saveta, suffers from a severe tumor disease in the Biliary tract, known in medical terms as Cholangiocarcinoma. Our father was diagnosed accidentally with this cancerous disease in December 2022, and the news of such an illness shocked us, turning our world upside down, thinking that we are facing a very difficult enemy.

Here began the difficult journey of our father in the fight for life. The doctors recommended performing surgery to remove the tumor mass and then continue with chemotherapy for 6 months in 6 sessions. After chemotherapy, a PET Scan was performed to assess the progress of the disease.

The results of the PET Scan were devastating; chemotherapy had not worked, and the disease had spread with metastases in the liver. The doctors here in Albania did not give us much hope. Faced with this fact, we thought of sending him abroad, to Italy, Germany, or Turkey.

We decided to start in Turkey at a private clinic. After examinations by Turkish doctors, they decided that our father should undergo a treatment called Y90 (radioactive yttrium-90) in 2 sessions to eliminate two large masses that had formed in the liver.

This was not an easy procedure at all, as it had side effects such as lowering the immunity of our father, leading to infections that prevented the continuation of chemotherapy to control the disease. New foci appeared as a result.

In this situation, Turkish doctors suggested Radio Therapy, which was carried out in 5 sessions. As a result of these treatments, his condition is more stable, but the doctors have decided that he should restart chemotherapy, as it has been 6 months since he last received it due to the treatments mentioned above.

The resumption of chemotherapy will help prevent further spread of the disease. The expenses so far have been covered by the family, in a considerable amount, over 120,000 EURO. But from now on, we find it impossible to financially support the treatments suggested by the doctors for the future.

I would be very grateful if I addressed you, but now that you know the story of our father, we do not want all our efforts and sacrifices for our dear father to stop here.

Therefore, with a hand on our hearts, I address all the good people of this world,
as much as you can, to help us save Zoi Saveta.

Help us save our beloved father.

Thank you all.


  • Anonymous
    • €10
    • 1 yr
  • Oliver Wachholz
    • €100
    • 1 yr
  • Amela Rexho
    • €20
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • €5
    • 1 yr
  • Albin Bytyci
    • €10
    • 1 yr


Elona Gjika
Santarcangelo di Romagna

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