Elsie’s Big Steps for The Head to Toe Charity
Elsie was born with a lower limb difference which has greatly impacted her mobility throughout her life.
Amazingly she tries very hard to raise money for our charity, The Head to Toe Clubfoot Charity.
She has chosen to climb the Belton Hills steps in Leigh-on-sea as her fundraiser for 2021.
Belton Hills Steps comprise of 430 steps and almost a mile of handrails. A huge task for any 8 year old but especially challenging for Elsie.
we hope to raise £430- that’s £1 per step!
Thank you in advance for your contribution and support.
More information about The Head to Toe Clubfoot Charity: Protect the good health of those affected with lower limb deformities, particularly CTEV (commonly known as Clubfoot) by providing support, advice and information. To undertake and fund research into CTEV and connected comorbidities, including the impact on the mental health of those suffering with such conditions