Termeti trondit Shqipërinë
Donation protected
Shqiperia po kalon nje periudhe shume te veshtire, numri i viktimave po rritet dhe shume ndertesa jane shembur dhe njerezit kane ngelur rrugeve, te mblidhemi bashke Shqiptare te nderuar dhe ti ndihmojme.
Si gjithnje, kampanja udhehiqet nga Shpetim Useini I cili banon ne Peoria SHBA, dhe te njejtit I eshte dhene besimi ne transferin e te hollave ne llogarine bankare te Firdeus ne Shqiperi.
Albania is going through a very difficult period.The number of victims is increasing, many buildings have collapsed and people are left on the streets,let us gather together albanians and help them.
As always, this campaign is managed by Shpetim Useini, and he is authorized to withdraw the funds, upon which he will wire transfer them directly to the Firdeus Charity bank account in Albania.
Si gjithnje, kampanja udhehiqet nga Shpetim Useini I cili banon ne Peoria SHBA, dhe te njejtit I eshte dhene besimi ne transferin e te hollave ne llogarine bankare te Firdeus ne Shqiperi.
Albania is going through a very difficult period.The number of victims is increasing, many buildings have collapsed and people are left on the streets,let us gather together albanians and help them.
As always, this campaign is managed by Shpetim Useini, and he is authorized to withdraw the funds, upon which he will wire transfer them directly to the Firdeus Charity bank account in Albania.
Elvis Naci
Peoria, IL