Conservation Funding - Pungky Nanda Pratama
Donation protected
We know our rainforests are one of the most important ecosystems on this planet. We are part of the ecosystem and we are dependent on it. Fresh air, water, food, and even medicine are all provided by rainforests and available freely for humans. But more importantly, rainforests play a vital role in managing the global climate. The threatened sustainability of Indonesia's last green wildernesses is an issue affecting us all.
Sumatra is well known as a biodiversity hotspot, home to some of the world's rarest animals and plant species. This is the only place where tigers, elephants, rhinos, and orangutans live together. But these magnificent creatures are disappearing as their forest homes are rapidly being cut down to make way for plantations or illegal logging. Rampant poaching also poses a grave threat to the survival of the island's endangered species.
Pungky Nanda Pratama is a passionate naturalist, environmentalist, conservationist and educator who firmly believes in educating the younger generations who reside in high deforestation and human-wildlife conflict areas. Pungky focuses on protecting local biodiversity and the habitat in South Sumatra by collaborating with the local conservation agency, government and villagers to prevent man-made destruction of nature and local extinction.
Why does he need to fundraise?
Since 2017 Pungky has been working tirelessly to handle three different conservation projects in South Sumatra. These projects have very limited funding resources if any at all. Yearly fundraising can help him keep continuing his conservation work this year.
What is the plan for the funds?
This fundraiser will provide vital finances needed to run and support the three projects. The money will be spent in the following areas:
- Accommodation, food and transport expenses, including trips to conservation meetings.
- Teaching equipment and materials on Pungky’s Environmental Education Project for the year.
- Gardening tools, supplies and maintenance to support Flora Rescue Project.
- Rechargeable batteries, SD cards, hard drives and other equipment to support Pungky's Camera Trap Project.
- 5 new camera traps to replace our existing broken and damaged camera traps which have been in use for the past 4 years.
All funds will be withdrawn by James Stevens, a dear friend of Pungky. James is a UK-based wildlife filmmaker and he joined Pungky on film shoots in 2018 and 2019. Funds withdrawn by James will then be transferred to Pungky via Western Union. The reason for this is due to Indonesian banks not being internationally recognised. This is the quickest way to grant Pungky the funds, 100% of which will go to him and the campaign.
Pungky’s Conservation Work
The Jungle Library Project
In 2017 Pungky and a colleague created an environmental education program together called “The Jungle Library Project” as a part of the Sumatra Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Foundation. This project focuses on raising awareness to a younger generation attending schools located in areas of high deforestation and human-wildlife conflict at the border of Isau-Isau Wildlife Reserve, South Sumatra. The environmental education syllabus was created based on previous teaching experience, community conditions and cultural heritage. The Jungle Library Project provides dynamic lessons focussing on five main topics including Forests, Rivers, Endangered & Protected Animals, Plastic Pollution and Human-Wildlife Conflict with 70% outdoor teaching and 30% in the class.
In 2022 Pungky taught 187 students from 9 different schools on the border of Isau-Isau Wildlife Reserve located in Pagar Gunung District and Mulak Ulu District of Lahat, South Sumatra.
Find more information and take a look at our environmental education activities on Facebook (@SumatraConservation) and the website.
The Sumatra Camera Trap Project
In 2018 Pungky started a new conservation project using camera traps called “The Sumatra Camera Trap Project” to record the animal diversity living inside of Isau-Isau Wildlife Reserve, an un-researched and under-studied area. Through the data gathered this project aims to promote Isau-Isau as an essential biodiversity hotspot and provide enough evidence to the central government to increase the protection status of Isau-Isau to a National Park. This Camera Trap Project also provides educational material for a conservation education program, transferring knowledge and training to local people. With his colleagues and collaboration with the local government (Conservation Agency of South Sumatra), there have been some incredible discoveries.
During 2022, we got more than 5000 images of animals, most of which are species protected by law and have an endangered or critical endangered status. You can see the species on the list below:
Find more information and take a look at our Sumatra Camera Trap Project Activities on Facebook (@SumatraCTP ) or our website.
Flora Rescue Project
In the same years, Pungky collaborated with the Conservation Agency of South Sumatra, creating a new program to preserve native flora called “Flora Rescue Project”. This project focuses on rescuing flora from destroyed land or unprotected areas across South Sumatra. Rescue, propagate and release endangered and protected species. This project will raise the population of native flora in the wild and also provide an educational place to learn more about native flora for the community and visitors who have an interest in botany.
We rescued lots of endangered and critically endangered plant species endemic to Sumatra since 2018. We have rescued more than 5000 plants from all over part of the island. We have more than 350 species of Orchid, Nepenthes, Hoya, Aroids, Begonia and many more underappreciated species in our greenhouse. We have an exploration and flora expedition program which collects more species whilst surveying the habitat.
Find out more by visiting our website.
Cost breakdown: from £7390
- £4,452 for accommodation, food and transport expenses, including trips to conservation meetings.
- £636 for teaching equipment and materials on Pungky’s Environmental Education Project for the year.
- £477 for gardening tools, supplies and maintenance to support Flora Rescue Project.
- £300 for rechargeable batteries, SD cards, hard drives and other equipment to support Pungky's Camera Trap Project.
- £1325 for 5 new camera traps to replace our existing broken and damaged camera traps which have been in use for the past 4 years.
- £200 for taxes etc.
How can you support him, the community and nature over there?
PLEASE DONATE. The cost of his ambition is substantial and he is relying entirely on goodwill as he has been unable to secure Government funding. Your generosity is greatly appreciated, every single pound raised will help him to help the local community and mother nature in Sumatra.
PLEASE SHARE. To help raise awareness and to get the word out there about his goal, please share our GoFundMe link far and wide.
We’ll bring you along the journey to see where your valued donation goes, keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram for progress and news updates.
Sumatra Nature and Biodiversity Conservation: @SumatraConservation
The Sumatra Camera Trap Project: @SumatraCTP
Or you can donate through our website.
Thank you for your donation, the support will make a difference and it means so much to us.
James Stevens