Emergency aid for Puppeteers, by UNIMA.org
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected artists around the world especially in the live performing arts. One undervalued form is the puppetry arts which contribute to contemporary theatre, traditional crafts and rituals, therapy, and education.
UNIMA , an international Non-Governmental Organisation affiliated to UNESCO, has members in over 90 countries who don't all receive sufficient support while performances and creative opportunities are suspended indefinitely. Aid is needed to assist with daily needs for performers and their families while they find solutions to this predicament.
In response to urgent requests from the five continents, UNIMA is temporarily directing its Emergency Aid programme to support artists whose local resources are insufficient, who have the plans to sustain their works for the future, with priority given to UNIMA members in extremely depressed situations.
The programme needs your help however, as we are a not-for-profit organisation. Our aim is to provide a one-time financial support to assist with food, basic needs, and shelter for the time it takes the recipient to get back on their feet. The anonymity of benefactors is guaranteed. UNIMA local centres will then take responsibility for logistics in each country concerned, from the identification of beneficiaries to the fair and efficient distribution of aid. More details can be provided should you like to know more.
To date, UNIMA has distributed 1,100 Euros to puppet artists in India and Costa Rica. However we need to crowdfund another 5,000 Euros from GoFundMe by the end of July 2020 to aid other national centres and their artists.
UNIMA - Union Internationale de la Marionnette - is focused on contributing and maintaining the development of the puppet arts as a world culture that teaches invaluable cultures and skills. It has multiple goals, including youth development, education, and social inclusion, with commissions managed by volunteers all over the world sans frontiers. The Cooperation Commission is responsible for coordinating the Emergency Aid programme, and you may contact us should you have further questions.
Whether you are an audience member, arts practitioner, or are new to the puppet arts, we thank you for considering our cause. Every bit counts for this art form. Please feel free to visit our website or social media [email redacted]ernationale for some insight to our programmes.
*Photo Credit: Christophe Loiseau + Sovanna Phum Art Association
Fundraising team: UNIMA Cooperation (5)