Emergency funds for the Xiong’s: Lost home to fire
On Mother’s Day when one should be celebrating it with their families, my sister Bao and brother in law Tony were informed with devastating news that their home was caught on fire. Upon arriving to the home, my sister’s instinct was to check on their dog Bailey. Sadly, the firefighters gave her the bad news, little Bailey did not make it. Bailey was their newest addition to the family and was loved by everyone. With just not the lost of Bailey, my sister, brother in law, and four nephews (16, 12, 8, and 4) have completely lost everything dear to them. From personal items to hygiene, clothes, toys, and etc. At this time, we would love the help from friends, families, and the community. Due to covid any financial donations is greatly appreciated and prefer donations be sent to Bao’s personal Venmo.
We want to thank everyone who donated and help shared.