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Emergency - Kaporos Medical Care

Steuerlich absetzbar
This past week the barbaric Kaporos ritual has been taking place all over the streets of Brooklyn.    Tamerlaine Farm Sanctuary and it's caregivers were called in by local animal rescue groups to provide triage to almost 300 rescued chickens.    We have literally been working around the clock, at great expense, to save these lives and get them into a condition where they can be safely homed.   We need help at this critical time to raise emergency funds.  The rescue efforts are still underway and there are still many chickens being cared for round the clock by our staff and amazing volunteers.  Any amount given will go directly toward vet bills, medical supplies and transport of these weak and vulnerable babies.  

Chickens used in this ritualistic slaughter are only 6-8 weeks of age.  They suffer from many medical issues under the best conditions but these innocent souls have been kept on the street stacked in crates without food and water for the last week.  Many were lucky to have survived.  We will keep working round the clock to make sure every chicken in our care has the best chance for survival.  Any amount you can donate will help ensure a long and happy life for these innocent ones.


  • Anonym
    • 75 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Allissa Bailey
    • 15 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • susan zegel
    • 15 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Sarah Bannon
    • 25 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Helen Kook
    • 20 $
    • 7 Jahre


Gabrielle Stubbert
Montague, NJ
Tamerlaine Sanctuary & Preserve

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