Emergency Kid's Funds
We are at a loss for words. The unexpectable death of Anesti Qirko left his family of five now in need. Anesti, 42 years old passed away on 11/17/2020 unexpectedly from a heart attack in his house in New Jersey. He was a respectable hard working person who supported his family with anything that he could provide for them. He was a person who would help anyone in need if he could. Now his family is in need. His desperate wife Maria and his four young children. Thodhori 18 years old and a good student needs to finish his studies in Brookdale College. His daughter, Eleanna, 14 years old in first year of high school at Henry Hudson Regional School, his son Aggelos 6 years old, in first grade of Atlantic Highlands Elementary School and his adorable 4 year old daughter ==Artemis, not yet in school who depended heavily on their fathers income, need our help. Any amount will be gratefully appreciated to help with their expenses throughout these difficult times that the family is going through.Please help them as much as you can. For queries do not hesitate to reach his wife Maria, through the phone number or via email.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
From all his relatives who are trying to help