Emergency Moving Expenses for Anthony & Kelsey!
Donation protected
Anthony was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on August 22, 2017. He is currently in treatment and his estimated end of treatment date is currently set for late October 2020. He has been a warrior through it all, the mucositis, flu, neuropathy pain, nausea, increased dosages of chemotherapy for home and physical therapy. He is an amazing little boy and I (Kelsey, his mother) have been so incredibly grateful that I have been able to stay with him at home throughout his treatment. However, this comes with an enormous sacrifice as a single parent. We have little to no income. I save and budget where I can but it is hard and we are asking for your help. On May 30, 2019 we moved into a house that we rented from a local (Radford, Virginia) realty company. This house created issues for me since the first day upon move in but I tried to make the best of the situation as we had been living in a much smaller apartment before. Two weeks ago we discovered black MOLD in the basement of the home. Given Anthony's immune system and the terrible side effects that exposure to mold could cause, we immediately had to leave our home and stay at Nesselrod (bed and breakfast in Radford, Virginia). We have been here since July 1st and we were just approved to rent a condo in Radford but we will not be moving in immediately since the condo will not be ready for a week or more. It is so difficult and painful to have a child going through cancer treatment but to not be able to be home, the place that I tried so hard to make our home, is extremely tough as it has always been a source of comfort and quiet for Anthony. We are asking for financial help at this time to assist with the cost of moving, the initial deposit and rent that will need to be placed in order to move in and the possibility that new furniture might need to be purchased given the exposure of the mold itself. I have been consulting with various individuals on mold exposure and my parents have been so graciously taking on the communication with the realty company itself as to lessen my burden. When it rains it certainly pours as I now have a few medical bills to pay, a car that needs repair and the everyday expenses of having a small child entirely on my own. I would not have it any other way but I am only human, working and figuring out things as best to my ability so Anthony can have a childhood that will not be defined by cancer. I have been saving a little money here and there for the last several months just to ensure that he has a wonderful 5th birthday this Saturday, July 13th. Last year his 4th birthday had to be cancelled due to his hospitalization to have his port removed and replaced on a different side of his chest. Any support that you can give us is so greatly appreciated. We have had so many who have supported us in their love and prayers along the way and it means the world to me. Thank you!
Kelsey Macintosh
Radford, VA