Emergency Relief for Sutardi and Family
Donation protected
In 2013, Sutardi and I met through couchsurfing.com(an online community). Sutardi welcomed me with open arms and showed me around his beautiful village near the city of Yogyakarta in regional Java, Indonesia. His family welcomed me into their home, where I stayed for free during my last four days in Indonesia before departing onto my next destination to teach English in Southern Thailand. Sutardi and his family offered me insight into life in a rural Indonesian village, something I wouldn’t have experienced otherwise. It was truly a very valuable memory an unforgettable experience.
We have managed to stay in contact since our meeting in 2013 and developed a respectful friendship. Now, 8 years later, he is reaching out for financial assistance and I agreed to assist in the process. Sutardi has informed me of the following information. He has been home several months, like many others worldwide, due to this pandemic. He and his family were positive for covid, luckily after one month they all recovered. His mom has been sick with other health issues for some time now. She has chronic stomach issues and debilitating back problems. Currently, Sutardi must stay at home to take care of his mom. Along with his mother’s health issues, he has other familial issues that are causing extreme financial difficulties.
Sutardi has offered some photos of his community and gives some more details below.
“I am Sutardi from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. My family and I live in the village about an hour from the city center. I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers. I live with 1 sister (who just divorced a couple month ago) and 1 brother. My Father used to be a carpenter; he lost his job many years ago when I was in elementary school. My Mom and I were the only ones who worked to support the family. My Mom used to make tempe (fermented patties of soybean). Mom got into an accident from her bike. She drove into a small river; it was so sad. She couldn’t work anymore and could no longer carry heavy things.
I usually go to the local market to buy some groceries for her. Since Covid, tourism has been closed so I had to stay at home. I cannot currently support my mom financially. My family and I got some helped from Stuart and other people before. I am so thankful for what people did for my family. Stuart and I still communicate through social media. I am fully vaccinated just couple days ago. Many people are vaccinated. Tourism is opening slowly, but still there are no international visitors.
Dear everyone, who took time to read, Thank you for your generosity! My family and I, greatly appreciate your time, donation and your sacrifice. Your support helps to further our living. Your support is invaluable to us, thank you again!
Sincerely, Sutardi and Family”
Below are a few photos of Sutardi's family that he's agreed to share. I've been in this home and I was well taken care of while I was there. As informed, all financial donations will go to support Sutardi's mother's medical expenses and groceries for their family.
Any and all help is appreciated. If nothing else, please send a prayer or positive thought to him and his family. God Bless and thanks for taking the time to read!
Peace and Love,
Stuart Ziegler
Stuart Ziegler
West Plains, MO