Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Emergency Scholar Assistance Program

Steuerlich absetzbar

Hundreds of thousands of college students nationwide have had their semester/term severely disrupted by the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The result: unplanned academic, financial and housing hardships.  This includes...

*Campuses are closing and most in a haphazard, confusing way with limited notice.
*Students are often given less than 72-hours to move off campus, arrange travel and find new housing.
*Many don’t have a safe place to go and don’t know where their next meal will come from.
*Work study and part-time jobs have been disrupted.
*Study abroad and internship programs have been cut short or cancelled.
*Classes, labs, practicums and research studies have been put on hold.
*Students are incurring unplanned expenses for travel, housing and last-minute relocation.

On 3/16 NSCS launched the Emergency Scholar Assistance Program to offer a limited number of immediate, onetime $125 stipends to help offset such hardships for NSCS members. 

The response was both heartbreaking and overwhelming.  More than 6,300 students applied to a quantitative-based application that measured the level of need.

Sadly, NSCS cannot support even a fraction of these students.

Might you consider making a onetime tax deductible so that we can continue to help fellow members? No donation is too small and each will released in $125 increments within 5-7 business days.



  • Gasline Journalier
    • 15 $
    • 5 Jahre
  • Destiny Pink
    • 10 $
    • 5 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 15 $
    • 5 Jahre
  • Joseph Brown
    • 20 $
    • 5 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 25 $
    • 5 Jahre


Washington D.C., DC
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars

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