Emily sky stokes
For my sister to be able to come home from hospital, she needs a nippy pump and a portable suction machine. She had a sore neck and 2 days later on the 13th of nay she was in a induced coma when she woke she was paralysed from her waist up the doctors still don't know what caused it and they say we will probley never know any help is muchly appreciated
Without the nippy machine, a resmed machine and the portable suction machine Emily will die. Emily suffered severe lung damage resulting in the co2 in her body to build up to fatal levels. She has to use the resmed machine for 12 hours every night, The resmed machine assists emily to filter out the co2 from her blood stream by expanding her lungs more than she is capable on her own, thus keeping her alive.
The suction machine is necessary to remove any phlegm that builds up in her chest, should Emily be unable to shift the phlegm by herself, then she needs to be suctioned through her tracheostomy tube to remove the phlegm for her, otherwise Emily will die from suffocation.
The nippy machine is used to do assisted coughs, which helps to keep emily's lungs clear of mucus build up, aiding Emily to breathe better but more importantly it assists in keeping her lungs free of chest infections.
Emily has lost the use of her right arm totally & has partial use of her left arm, thus making it necessary for Emily to have a full time carer, she can't even give her 2 year old daughter a cuddle when she cries or asks her mum for a hug.
Emily has to wear a neck collar every day to stabilize her head because she lost the capability of doing it herself.
We desperately want Emily home so we can visit her but more importantly, we want Emily & her young daughter to be reunited after almost a year of one day a week visits in the hospital. We, (all of emily's family) live an hour and a half away from the hospital that Emily is currently a patient of.
Any help that you can give Emily will be greatly appreciated & we thank you for taking the time to read these words, God Bless you all.