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Emily's Competition Fund

Donativo protegido
I am Chris Reglar, father of Emily Reglar. Emily has a long history of excellence in karate, winning Gold in kumite (fighting) at the Canadian National Karate Championships.
    As a national champion, she is on Team Canada this year.. As such, she is expected to travel and compete, representing Canada at various competitions.
     We are new to this, fund raising etc ... and while we have supported Emily thus far, we find it difficult to find all the funds necessary, having spent many thousands on travel, fees and equipment thus far..
     Emily is invited to represent Canada in Buenos Aires, Argentina at the Junior Pan American Karate Championships 21-27 August of this year. She is one of four Newfoundland athletes (and the only female) selected to go. Our estimate is $800-$900 for lodging, $200 for meals and at least $1500 for a plane ticket.
Total $2600

Please note that our estimate does not cover the cost of a parent chaperone, which she will need as she is too young to travel by herself.

We are hoping that you  can help us raise some funds to cover the travel and hotel expense, as these trips will be quite expensive. 

Any help you can give to Emily is greatly appreciated.
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

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  • Letitia Peckford
    • 50 $
    • 8 años
  • Anónimo
    • 20 $
    • 8 años
  • Janice Pitts
    • 25 $
    • 8 años
  • Anónimo
    • 50 $
    • 8 años
  • The Shea's
    • 50 $
    • 8 años
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona 100 $ para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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Chris Reglar
Flatrock, NL

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