Emperor Norton's Boozeland Bartender's Relief Fund
Dear loyal friends and friends of friends❤️
Your family at Emperor Norton’s BoozeLand is humbly asking for your help. Covid 19 is taking its toll on everyone right now. We are 100% in support of doing everything we can to help protect the community-which meant shutting our doors for the duration of the quarantine. The unknown is scary, but we’re staying positive and we’re all together in spirit! If you have the means to help our crew get through we’d be forever grateful. Every little bit helps and if you, like us, are also in a pinch please share We love our Norton’s fam and can’t wait to hug y’all when we come out the other side! In the meantime psychic hugs from all of us here at the booze land.
Love always,
Colleen, James, Michi, Pete, Charlie, David, Robin, Courtney, Michelle, Joe, Kellen, Jason, Matt and
the whole Boozeland family