Empower Artistic Growth in East Tennessee
Tax deductible
The East Tennessee Arts Center, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) visual arts nonprofit in the State of Tennessee. We have served underserved communities with visual art activities south of Knoxville with ETAC Pop-Up Art Camps for the past three years for children to seniors with drawing and painting workshops with all art supplies and equipment provided. We have a Community Outreach program that provides free art supplies to area nonprofits that work with children who have experienced some tough situations in their lives. We have an Art Library that anyone can utilize with over 90 art reference books in all types of art media. For three years we have organized juried art shows to support East Tennessee middle school students and adult artists. We are continuing to engage the communities with more art programs for all ages including the Boys & Girls Clubs. We have several objectives that need significant funding for the future, a Mobile Art Studio to bring fine art engagements to underserved communities and schools. We require capital funding to establish the Regional Center for the Creative Arts in Monroe County. This facility would include a community workshop to provide visual art activities with different types of art media. An exhibition gallery to support schools and adult artists. Retail store to support area artists to sell their art and crafts and to support the center. Other facilities include a permanent collection for our art library. administration office, bathrooms, kitchen, conference room with AV equipment, art studios, and an events arts destination to serve all communities in East Tennessee.

Allan Sibley
Sweetwater, TN
East Tennessee Arts Center, Inc.