This Native American Heritage Month, Empower Red Media
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Red Media needs your support!
Red Media was a movement that became a media project to fill a void: Indigenous spaces for Indigenous writing. Our mission is to produce content according to our own intellectual traditions and not those imposed upon us by settler culture. We nourish and sustain Indigenous movements that not only protect life on a planet on the verge of ecological collapse, but also provide models for a future premised on justice by believing in Indigenous abundance and caretaking. We continue to lead the way in Indigenous media by ensuring all forms of Indigenous knowledge are encouraged and supported. The Red Nation Podcast, Red Power Hour, and our editorial and cultural podcasts have gained over 100,000 followers, and have been downloaded more than 3.5 million times since our inception in 2020. Your donation today will not only help to maintain the strength of our podcasts, but will also allow Red Media to continue our Indigenous book campaign, Freedom To Read, and move closer to our goal of establishing an independent press for Indigenous published works. Please donate today!
Red Media
Grants, NM
Red Media