INVEST in Tanzania 2025 with Dr. McCleary's Visit
Tax deductible
Greetings, I am Mark A. McCleary, retired after 46+ years of Christian pastoral ministry. I am also Founder and President of Mark McCleary Ministries (3MMM, Inc.; www.3mmm.org).
Pastor Richard Mwita Ondyek and the Christian Assembly Congregation (3MMM affiliate in Tanzania) have invited me to hold evangelism, training, and human service ministry between May 5-24, 2025.
Your Partnership and Investment will be used to cover travel expenses from the USA to Mwanza, Tanzania and back; lodging, food, and ministry materials. Such materials will support the local ministry, training of church leaders and laypersons, women, youth, and government leaders—I will use my 46+ years of experience. You can surf my website to learn of my resume in congregational and community ministry.
Pastor Ondyek and his congregation have developed a Master Plan for holistic church and community development. All prior 3MMM’s donations have helped fulfill this Plan. A part of this Plan and hopefully a great motivation, Pastor Richard asked that I, his adopted and ministry “Father,” come and provide face/ direct mentorship. Thus, [Your Charitable] INVESTMENT in Tanzania with Dr. McCleary’s visit in 2025.
Your partnership and investment will be used solely for this ministry visit and not any other 3MMM operation or activity. This appeal is my Gideon’s Fleece for God’s approval and Partner and Investor confirmation. I also feel good because this medium and others like it are trusted by people like you who might want to go, but cannot and want to support a ministry they respect and has a reputation for using funds properly. So, thank you for considering this appeal and partnering and investing to make it become a reality.
In His service,
Dr. Mark A. McCleary
Founder and President, 3MMM, Inc.

Mark McCleary
Burtonsville, MD
Mark McCleary Ministries