Empower Veterans: Donate to DAV's Mission
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Hello, we are students at the University of North Texas. We have decided to raise awareness for this organization as apart of a project for our commitment to civic engagement. Here are a few reasons why we chose this amazing organization to support:
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) is a nonprofit organization that helps veterans wounded in action. DAV was founded in 1920 to empower veterans, women and men alike, with respect that all veterans should receive but especially those with disabilities. DAV connects veterans with access to benefits, health and employment resources through numerous services programs one of which address vital area issues such as mental illness, homelessness or transitioning back into civilian life (Disabled American Veterans, 2023). This research paper investigates DAV to show the difference it has been making, as well as its distinct mission in helping veterans across the country.
From veterans suicide to fatal homesickness, the grassroots organization DAV tackles a host of social issues.
Mental Health — Many veterans struggle with PTSD, depression, and anxiety related to their service. There is a considerable relationship between combat exposure, mental health challenges and the diversity of issues that might lead to an increased risk for homelessness (National Institutes of Health, 2020).
Homelessness — A large percentage of the homeless population are veterans, who suffer from a lack of support structures after serving their country in combination with disabilities or mental health issues that preclude long-term employment (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2021).
Employment – Disabled veterans have specific job training needs, help in finding a civilian job and advocacy for employment access.
This is due to the fact that veterans with mental health issues are more likely to be homeless and unemployed, these problems go hand in hand. DAV aims to break this cycle by assisting veterans in accessing needed services.
DAV Programs and Initiatives
To that end, DAV has a multitude of programs and services that tackle these topics:
Benefits Help – DAV helps veterans and their families learn about and apply for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits. This program aids over a million veterans each year in obtaining essential medical and monetary benefits (Disabled American Veterans, 2022).
Employment Resources – DAV has an employment program that helps veterans to get job fairs and networking as well as training resources so that they can either enter or re-enter into the working environment. As a result, thousands of veterans are placed in successful civilian jobs every year through this program.
Volunteer and Community Help — DAV maintains a network of volunteers who offer rides and other related services to needy veterans. The volunteers ensure that the veterans get to their medical appointments or have access to resources in the community.
Mental Health and Rehabilitation Support – DAV pushes for policies and resources that advance veterans mental health by calling for programming on PTSD care and rehabilitation (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2021)
The programs are designed specifically for veterans because, just as they serve our country, these issues require multidisciplinary treatment and wrap-around services — from benefits, to finding a job, to mental health care.
DAV’s Impact on Veterans
DAV has far-reaching consequences for the veteran community. Through its benefits assistance program alone, it has been able to get millions of veterans access to essential medical and disability benefits. In its 2022 annual report, DAV noted that it connected more than 200,000 veterans to jobs via DAV job fairs and resources for employment; and that its network of volunteers provided transportation to over 600,000 appointments helping these Veterans get the health care they need (Disabled American Veterans, 2022).
In addition, DAV’s long-standing advocacy for mental health services has resulted in a stronger understanding and response to veterans needing care for PTSD and other mental health challenges. Combining these approaches is improving the quality of life for veterans while also bringing a better public understanding of the sacrifices that veterans make and the needs of this group when they return to civilian life.
Meeting the specific needs of our disabled veterans, DAV provides a variety of services to improve health, employment and community reintegration. DAV works to address these primary concerns, as well as issues related to mental health, homelessness and employment in order to help veterans navigate around obstacles and establish successful post-service lives. DAV is an example of veterans working to help other veterans as targeted programs and advocacy can and do make a difference in the unique challenges America faces with veterans.
Fundraising team: Fundraiser Team (2)
Brave Hearts
Justin, TX
Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust
Mohammad Farrukh
Team member
Tiquan Holmes
Team member