Help me give my Dad a kidney
Hello, So I am giving my dad a kidney pretty soon; After 2+ years of testing and numerous trips to Utah we finally have a surgery date.. -->April 6th!! My dads Insurance covers the surgery but none of my expenses so that is all out of pocket. I need to do this to save my Dads life. This is something very big and special to our family .. I really don't like to ask for help but we need it this time ... I will be down for minimum 8-10 weeks to heal. My Husband, Mom, Grandma, and Sister are taking time off work to take care of me , My 3 baby boys, & help with the children I baby sit. After the surgery I will also have to take who knows how many trips back to Utah ... Even if you are unable to donate please share our story, Any size donation is so very much appreciated. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!! Also thank you to everyone who has supported and helped me along this journey.