End Sars Emergency Aid Fund For Queers!
Nigerian youths have began protesting for the past week against SARS, a division of the Nigerian police that have been targeting, harassing, killing and robbing Nigerian youth. Especially ones that appear ‘moden’, ‘quirky’ or ‘queer’ looking. There was a father killed after being caught up in a raid on youths wearing dreadlocks and having tattoos, and a friend of mine was arrested under ‘suspicion of homosexuality’ multiple times.
Not only Diasporan black lives matter! There are many problems in Nigeria, before SARS and for sure after SARS. But we have a chance to rally around and make change happen, that will undoubtedly empower youth and make more change happen. Nigerian protestors need our attention and protection, already 2 people have been shot, one person is undergoing treatment for being shot in the face By SARS.
Money raised in this fund will go to individual organisers during the #endsars protests to supply aid, water, food and support to the protesters. Also it will be going towards the bail out funds of victims of Sars.
Money will also be donated to organisers like @SHquseNG (Twitter). Feel free to donate directly there in addition to here as it’s important to empower smaller individual organisers too.
If you are or know any individual organisers in need of some financing please contact me at @europeanvisa on instagram or send me an email: [email redacted]
I will like to especially support queer organisers so please do get in contact.
About me:
My name is Obi, I am a diasporan Nigerian person living in London. I sadly cannot be on ground to protest however I am starting this fund to help those that are.