Energy Crisis Relief for Tony Harrington
I never thought I would have to do a GoFundMe for something like this, but here we are...
As most folks know, Texas has been beaten by a freak polar vortex that centered itself over the state and has wreaked havoc. The state is not prepared for this kind of weather event and things are getting dire.
The last thing I ever expected was to run into an issue where I would be paying between 9 and 20 dollars per kwh for energy. However, here I am. In the last three days, I have spent almost 600.00 on energy costs. After today, it will be close to 800.00 and by the end of the month, I will have paid 1,000 dollars into the cost of energy.
How is this possible?
The energy company I use provides energy at real-time wholesale rates. During non-events such as this, I am paying super cheap rates per kwh. My provider simply charges what they are charged by the generator of the power on the grid. However, because of the polar vortex, energy demand and consumption is exceeding the energy on the grid which has driven real-time rates through the roof.
I saw this coming and attempted to change providers temporarily, but the providers too saw it coming and the all have blocked switches from one company to another until the end of the month.
This means I am stuck paying between 9 and 20 dollars per kwh. Every day I am charged 200.00 or more in energy costs. This has depleted my checking account.
Additionally, my partner has been out of work since this storm started and as a result is not getting paid.
If I had credit cards, this would be a non-issue. I would just drop a couple thousand dollars into my energy wallet and breathe easily. However, since I am in Chapter 13 bankruptcy for another year and a half, I don't have that luxury. I am literally broke because of my energy bill and no way to afford any more charges, let alone food, water, gas, etc...
So, here we are. I am resorting to begging, and to be completely honest, it sucks. I am an grown man at almost 46 years old and I can't make ends meet during a storm.
If you can provide any assistance, be it a few bucks tossed my way, I would be forever grateful. I'm not going to draw this out as it already took more than I had emotionally to do this. So thank you for donations, thoughts, or even prayers if you think that will help.
Me: *Opens Electric Bill* Please don't be high...
Electric Bill: