Envision NYLF Law & CSI
I am a senior at Dominguez High School. I am raising money for a summer program called Envison National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF) Law & CSI. This is a program to expand my knowledge about forensic science and law. Attending this program would allow me to explore my passion for my future career. My future career is to become an FBI Profiler. Therefore, this summer program would be a great opportunity to learn furthermore about that field and gain experiences on forensic science. However, the tuition for this program is expensive. Since I'm attending college next year, it's diificult for me to take advantage of oppotunities like this. I was nominated for the opportunity to attend, so this is a rare occurance. My parents work hard for me to attend college, therefore, I rather fundraise for the summer program instead of making them spend more money apart from college expenses. I would be truly grateful for your consideration in helping raise money for this summer program. This is a huge opportunity for me and my future and I appreciate any type of help!