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Family Vehicle Needed

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I am trying to raise money to help my son Justin get a vehicle. Many of you know his story, but if you don't, he has been out of prison for almost 2 years now and has had 2 surgeries and a fractured back.
During this time he has had to rely on family and friends to be his Uber/cab service for many non-medical appointmens he has.
Justin also needs a vehicle on the days I have doctor appointments or  I am unavaliable and the kids need to be picked up from school not to mention shopping.
Justin does many things with our church and attends mens Bible studies at 0600 and needs a vehicle.
Justin also has a daughter who will be 16 soon and she is wanting to get a job after school hours and he will need to get her to work and back.
The money used will be to purchase a reliable vehicle, tags, title and insurance for at least six months.
This means alot to me because I have seen how much Justin has tried over the past 2 years to get to work and no matter if he can work or not, Justin is always reaching out to do the Lords calling.
I know in my heart that once Justin has a reliable vehicle, once the doctors allow him to start vocational rehabiliation and job retraining I will be blessed knowing that if one of the kids gets sick and I am not available, Justin will be able to pick them up!


  • Tina Kester
    • $85
    • 8 yrs


Kester Jean
Rochester, WA

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