On the 20th of May 2020, Chase was brutally attacked by a Pit Bull. Chase is a loving, and friendly 6 year old. This Pit Bull was a neighbors dog who escaped from their house and seized with teeth on Chase’s face as he was playing outside. Chase’s face was torn from his left cheek to his nose and down to the right side of his upper lip. Chase laid on the lawn for approximately an hour going into shock, and losing a lot of blood as everyone helped to keep his face stable as we waited for the ambulance to arrive. With Chase’s skin being detached for so long some of his skin has died. Chase will need many surgeries consisting of skin grafting, plastic surgery, and therapy sessions. We want to raise money for Chase so he can be the confident kid he once was. We are aware that Chase will never look the same again, but we will do anything with hope that he can look as close to his normal being. Please pray for Chase.