Eric Stephen Jacobs Needs Your Help
Donation protected
The following campaign may come as a surprise to many of you.
I realize the past months have taken a toll on so many of us, and so it is with a heavy heart, deep regret and much embarrassment that I find myself appealing to the kindness and generosity of friends, family and strangers.
Some of you may know me, some of you may not. My name is Eric Stephen Jacobs. I have been working as a photographer, makeup artist and designer for many years. Even if you don't know me personally, you may be familiar with some of my work.
The truth is, although I have had a long and somewhat illustrious career, there is something I've been hiding.
What you may or may not know is I have been suffering from not only extreme, chronic depression and anxiety disorder my entire life, but also during these past few years, I developed ongoing bladder cancer and additional degrading skeletal conditions which have left me in a state of constant pain.
The depression was finally and officially diagnosed in 2000 after having intermittant bouts of it through the years. It had and has caused many problems professionally and personally. There were many times when I fell off the grid; missed deadlines; or didn't deliver work at all. If you were affected by any of that, I humbly apologize.
There have been so many lost opportunities and regrets. It was a miracle that I was able to accomplish as much as I did.
When my funds ran out and I was homeless in 2000 after having a psychotic break, all my possessions and photography archives went into a storage facility upstate, where they still are to this day. I was then admitted to a mental facility for an extended stay and treatment.
After my release, I was homeless again. It was only due to the kindness and generosity of close friends who took me in, that I had a roof over my head for the following years as I tried to get back on my feet.
When that living situation came to a conclusion, I spent a short but traumatic stay at the NYC homeless shelter. That was one of my lowest poinrs.
Then, trough the help of a team of dedicated social workers, who were hardworking and sympathetic to my plight, I was able to apply for and be eligible for disability. That allowed me to move into a small room in a congregate adult home on the Upper Westside.
Luckily, during the past few years, I had been able to accept just a few commissions. But even this income together with my disability didn't come close to cover my ongoing and mounting debt.
Then came the Pandemic.
Unlike many careers which were able to switch to Zoom to conduct business, my makeup and photography work entails close contact...and in February, my few scheduled jobs in March were all cancelled.
In addition, I am in dire need of extensive dental work which is not covered by insurance. Treatment of necessary therapy for my skeletal issues is also not covered. This is the source of my constant dibilitating pain.
So at this point, I am ill, unable to work, and in huge debt...and I do not have a way out.
I humbly appeal to your generosity to help me cover my storage costs (housing my photo archives and all my possessions,) back rent (landlord is about to serve an eviction order,) credit card debt (I maxed out paying bills) and medical and dental costs.
My situation is so very dire and time sensitive. It is necessary for me to raise these funds immediately. Please help save me. To say I will be appreciative and eternally grateful for your assistance is an understatement.
With much gratitude and thanks,
I realize the past months have taken a toll on so many of us, and so it is with a heavy heart, deep regret and much embarrassment that I find myself appealing to the kindness and generosity of friends, family and strangers.
Some of you may know me, some of you may not. My name is Eric Stephen Jacobs. I have been working as a photographer, makeup artist and designer for many years. Even if you don't know me personally, you may be familiar with some of my work.
The truth is, although I have had a long and somewhat illustrious career, there is something I've been hiding.
What you may or may not know is I have been suffering from not only extreme, chronic depression and anxiety disorder my entire life, but also during these past few years, I developed ongoing bladder cancer and additional degrading skeletal conditions which have left me in a state of constant pain.
The depression was finally and officially diagnosed in 2000 after having intermittant bouts of it through the years. It had and has caused many problems professionally and personally. There were many times when I fell off the grid; missed deadlines; or didn't deliver work at all. If you were affected by any of that, I humbly apologize.
There have been so many lost opportunities and regrets. It was a miracle that I was able to accomplish as much as I did.
When my funds ran out and I was homeless in 2000 after having a psychotic break, all my possessions and photography archives went into a storage facility upstate, where they still are to this day. I was then admitted to a mental facility for an extended stay and treatment.
After my release, I was homeless again. It was only due to the kindness and generosity of close friends who took me in, that I had a roof over my head for the following years as I tried to get back on my feet.
When that living situation came to a conclusion, I spent a short but traumatic stay at the NYC homeless shelter. That was one of my lowest poinrs.
Then, trough the help of a team of dedicated social workers, who were hardworking and sympathetic to my plight, I was able to apply for and be eligible for disability. That allowed me to move into a small room in a congregate adult home on the Upper Westside.
Luckily, during the past few years, I had been able to accept just a few commissions. But even this income together with my disability didn't come close to cover my ongoing and mounting debt.
Then came the Pandemic.
Unlike many careers which were able to switch to Zoom to conduct business, my makeup and photography work entails close contact...and in February, my few scheduled jobs in March were all cancelled.
In addition, I am in dire need of extensive dental work which is not covered by insurance. Treatment of necessary therapy for my skeletal issues is also not covered. This is the source of my constant dibilitating pain.
So at this point, I am ill, unable to work, and in huge debt...and I do not have a way out.
I humbly appeal to your generosity to help me cover my storage costs (housing my photo archives and all my possessions,) back rent (landlord is about to serve an eviction order,) credit card debt (I maxed out paying bills) and medical and dental costs.
My situation is so very dire and time sensitive. It is necessary for me to raise these funds immediately. Please help save me. To say I will be appreciative and eternally grateful for your assistance is an understatement.
With much gratitude and thanks,
Eric Stephen Jacobs
New York, NY