Tin House Summer Writing Workshop
Hi, I'm Eric Boyd. A lot of folks know me on my blog [EricBoydblog.tumblr.com], where I have been posting daily six word stories/poems for a couple years now. Some people may be aware that I have been dedicating myself to that practice in order to make my short stories better, more compressed, simpler. Well, the amazing people at Tin House, one of the most important literary magazines in America, apparently took some notice...
Earlier this year, at the suggestion of a former teacher, I was told to consider applying to Tin House's 2014 Summer Writing Workshop, especially because the program offered scholarships. It was $40 to apply"”pretty steep for me"”but the chance at being a part of such a highly renowned program, for free, was exciting. In the beginning of April I received notice that I would not be getting a scholarship. However, less than a week later, I was told I had been accepted to the workshop(!!!).
[Updated 5/7]
Thanks to all of you, I've made my inital goal of $1700! I'll be attending the workshop in July. As of now I have a wish list set up, one item only, for anyone who wants to help me cover the travel costs from Pittsburgh to Portland.
This workshop is easily one of the most important writing events that I'll have ever had a chance to participant in. It is a rare opportunity to work with authors whose work I admire to help me develop my own. Thank you all for your help in getting me to Portland to further hone my craft.
Eric Boyd