Eric Johanson : 2017 Album!
Help me fund my first official blues record, produced by Tab Benoit.
Over the past few years I've toured the US and abroad with Cyril Neville of the Neville brothers and Grammy winner Terrence Simien, appeared alongside Tab Benoit at the Big Blues Bender in Las Vegas, and performed onstage with many of New Orleans finest musicians.
During this time I've made a lot of valuable relationships in the industry and have received a lot of support and encouragement from people like Tab, who never stop encouraging me to focus on my own thing. I need some help to make this happen.
Even with pulling favors from very helpful friends giving me discounted rates, and keeping things on as thin a budget as possible, it still costs a good bit for even a few days of studio time, producer, musicians, and printing the record.
We will be making this record over 7 days at Tab Benoit's studio in Houma, LA. Featuring Tab on Drums and Corey Duplechin on Bass.
If I can meet this goal it will help me cover the upfront costs. If I can exceed that then I will put the extra toward much needed promotion and publicity costs, as well as printing the CDs.
Any donation of $10 or more will get a digital download of the album.
Any donation of $15 or more will get a download and signed physical CD copy of the album once it is released.
Any multiple of $15 will get you that number of signed CD's, or however many you'd like up to that point.
Any donation of $200 or above will put your name in the liner notes.
$7000 gets my 2008 Honda Civic, autographed with a copy of the CD pre-placed in the stereo!
Seriously though - I don't want to create a bunch of cheesy "have dinner with me" type of incentives. If you want to pledge larger support in exchange for a gig or appearance or anything, please contact me.
Thank you!