Erika Escaped Border Patrol Killer
-A woman’s daring escape from a Border Patrol agent helped reveal a ‘serial killer,’ police say
-Border Patrol Agent Arrested in Connection With Murders of 4 Women
- US Border Patrol agent arrested in 4 deaths described as serial killer
As you may have heard, Erika Peña, (mother of a 5 year old daughter) was the fifth victim that was able to escape the serial killer.
Unfortunately in resulting in Erika to have extreme trauma.
We are currently struggling to afford the expenses and the required resources to get the help that Erika needs in order for her to be able to recover from this very unfortunate and horrific event.
I, Marcela, am representing my niece and is asking for any generous donation in order to cover psychological/medical and lawyer expenses.
Thank you,
Marcela Rodriguez
Como habrás escuchado, Erika Peña, (madre de una hija de 5 años) fue la quinta víctima que pudo escapar del asesino en serie.
Lamentablemente, Erika tuvo un trauma extremo.
Actualmente estamos luchando para pagar los gastos y los recursos necesarios para obtener la ayuda que necesita Erika para que pueda recuperarse de este desafortunado y horrible evento.
Yo, Marcela, represento a mi sobrina y solicito una donación generosa para cubrir los gastos psicológicos / médicos y de abogado.
Marcela Rodriguez