Erin’s Physical Therapy Fund
In February 2020 Erin was getting back to classes at the University of New Hampshire for her second semester as a freshman nursing major. While walking back to her dorm one day she noticed feeling a little off, slightly heavy in her limbs, more tired than usual, and just an overall feeling that caught her attention but did not set off any alarms. She got to her dorm, and rested for the afternoon thinking it’ll pass. At the dining hall later that night with her classmates the discomfort continued.
The next day the feeling bothered her enough to ask her roommate to take her to the infirmary where they told her to go to the hospital for better diagnostics. By the time my wife and I arrived late that night Erin was for all intensive purposes paralyzed from the neck down. We were all devastated, scared and confused not knowing what was going on, but imagine Erin’s thoughts. A dancer for ten plus years at the local dance studio, a National Honors Student, a college freshman just beginning her college experience and path to doing what she loved, helping others, a young woman whose smile was always there and would brighten anyone’s spirit who came across her.
Fast forward through long stays at Mass. General Hospital and Spaulding Rehabilitation Center, Erin fought her way back to self care, and the ability to manage herself using wheelchairs, walkers, and crutches. We are thrilled! She has fought so hard and smiled through the whole ordeal,( surely some bad days mixed in), but even the bad days she pushed through not willing to let this beat her.
Erin is a determined young woman who just needs that extra step and she thinks she has found it with an ‘out of network’ brain and spinal cord recovery center. The place is above and beyond the average PT situation. If I can name names I will later. The parents of a former Paralympion, former coma patient, and all around awesome young survivor, (maybe you’ve seen her might dance once or twice on DWTS.), run this unique recovery center Erin’s problem is that insurance won’t pay for it. We or she has a 90 minute drive to this facility and needs to work out 3 days a week, the work outs are 2 hours, and a 90 minute drive home. Add in the possibility of needing driving alterations for disability and this is where your help would enable Erin to overcome her situation.
Erin has decided to take the coming fall semester off and put 100% of her time and efforts into walking again. This experience has steered her goal of nursing to that of an occupational therapist where she will have an advantage of having gone through some of what her future patients will be going through.
Please consider helping her reach her dreams...
We’d like to thank you in advance and will certainly pay it forward!
Please don’t forget to click on the YouTube link above and watch some of Erin’s journey!