Main fundraiser photo

Eritrean Kidisti Mariam Church of Seattle

In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit in one God, Amen. Firstly we pray and ask our Almighty God, that you all our brethren to be well and blessed.

Dear members of our Congregation and Friends of our Church:
It is our great hope that you join the Eritrean Kidisti Mariam Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Seattle fundraising.
As we all know Eritrean Kidisti Mariam Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Seattle has been looking to buy a church building for many years, and with the Grace of God that time has come and Kidisti Mariam Church was able to buy a church located at 425 NE 95th St Seattle, WA 98115. We bought the Church building with a very high interest rate loan (bridge loan) and by liening some of our members’ houses. We are doing this fundraising to bring the Church’s loan to conventional loan with lower interest rate and release the properties that are held to buy the Church.
Every contribution, big or small, will be greatly appreciated and will make a significant difference in achieving the goal of giving our congregation of owning a church building after a long time. As the Lord Jesus Christ said ('It is more blessed to give than to receive.''(Act 20:35).

God Bless You!

በስመ ኣብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ ኣኃዱ ኣምላክ ኣሜን።
መጀመርያ መንፈሳዊ ሰላምታና ነቕርበልኩም።
ዝኸበርኩም አባላትን ፈተውቲ ቤተክርስትያናን። ኣብ’ዚ እነካይዶ ዘለና ናይ ገንዘብ ምውጻእ ሐገዝ በረኸት ተኻፈልቲ ከም እትኾኑ ብሙሉእ ልቢ ብምትእማን’ዩ። ናይ ኤርትራ ቅድስቲ ማርያም ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተክርስቲያን ስያትልን ከባቢኣን ምእመናን እተገልግለሉ ህንጻ ንምግዛእ ክትደሊ ከምዝጸንሔት ዝፍለጥ እዩ። ሕጂ ድማ ሰዓቱ ኣኺሉ ኣብ’ዚ ቀረባ እዋን አብ 425 NE 95th St Seattle, WA 98115 ዝርከብ ዓቢይ ህንጻ ክትገዝእ ክኢላ። ይኹን’ምበር እዚ ቤተክርስትያን’ዚ ንምግዛእ ብጊዚያዊ ክቡር ናይ ባንክ ለቓሕን ወለድን ከምኡ’ውን ናይ ሐደ ሐደ አባላት ገዛውቲ ብምትሐዝን እዩ ተፈጺሙ። ስለ’ዚ ነቲ ናይ ባንክ ለቓሕ ናብ ንቡር ወለድ (ዝሐሸ ወለድ)ንምምላስን ነቶም ገዛ ዘትሓዙ ድማ ዘትሐዝዎ ናይ ገዛውቶም ሊቸንሳ ንምምላስን ንህዝብናን ካልኦት ፈተውትናን ናይ ገንዘብ ሓገዝ ክንሓትት ከለና በቲ ልሙድ ባህልናን ልምድናን መሰረት ሙሉእ ምትሕብባርኩም ከም ዘይፍለየና ብምትእምማን እዩ። እትገብሩዎ ሓገዝ ንቁዱስ ዓላማ እዩ’ሞ ኣምላኽ ትሕዝቶኹም የብዝሓዮ።
ኣብ ግብሪ ሀዋርያ 20-35 “ ካብ ምቕባልሲ ምሃብ ኣዝዩ ይባርኽ።” ከም ዝበሎ
ኣምላኽ ይባርኽኩም!
ናይ ኤርትራ ቅድስቲ ማርያም ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተክርስትያን
ስያትልን ከባቢኡን


  • Tesfalem Gebre
    • $1,000
    • 11 mos
  • Paul Krawczyk
    • $100
    • 1 yr
  • Seare Geday
    • $1,000
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • $35
    • 1 yr
  • Mebrahtom Berhane
    • $50
    • 1 yr


Isack Habte
Seattle, WA
Eritrean Kidisti Mariam Orthodox Tewahedo Church

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