Establish New Goloka
New Goloka is being established in the mountains of New Mexico and is the first Satyug community of the Krishna Golden Age . This is a very important announcement along with the opportunity to obtain free timeshares of the first Nubian Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid Cottages.
Let's begin with some background information about the Krishna Golden Age that will soon dawn on earth. According to Vedic Literature (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.11.19 and other texts) there are four major periods of time in for every Day of Brahma (the Creator of our Universe), known as the four Yugas .
Satya Yuga (1,728,000 years): – Virtue reigns supreme. Average human lifespan was 100,000 years.
Treta Yuga (1.296,000 years): – There were 3 quarters virtue and 1 quarter sin. Average human lifespan was 10,000 years.
Dwapar Yuga (864,000 years): – There was 1 half virtue and 1 half sin. Average human lifespan was 1000 years.
Kali Yuga (432,000 years): – There is 1 quarter virtue and 3 quarters sin. Average human lifespan will be 100 years, declining to barely 20 years near the end.
We are now at the exact time predicted by Krishna at the end of His last incarnation, when a new Krishna Golden Age of 10,000 years will dawn. This Krishna Golden Age will be similar to the Satya Yuga that comes at the start of each Day of Brahma.
When Lord Brahma starts His life and creates His first new Day, He creates an almost perfect replica of Goloka. Goloka is the only reality - it is the Absolute, unchanging realm of Krishna. In this picture, you can see the relationship of Goloka to the innumerable universes (click here for a view that can be magnified to see all the detail ).
The reality of our life is: all universes are 3-D holographic projections of Goloka and are ever-changing, and therefore called "maya" or "that which is not". This holographic projection of Goloka is depicted in the image below:
In our time now, Kaliyug, the environment is minimally conducive to the development of full human potential and higher states of consciousness. We may not notice this, because this is the life we have always known. But this life we are living now is a mere shadow of the full human potential that is lived by everyone in Satyug.
We all now live in a soup of electromagnetic radiation from cell phone towers, the electrical grid, GPS satelites, military operations (including HAARP), radio and television broadcasts. Many symptoms are now manifesting throughout the population, including a lack of concentration, ADHD in children, irritability, difficulty sleeping and lack of appetite (see this study published by the British Medical Journal). These influences from EMR are classic Kaliyug environmental polution that makes it impossible to experience subtle states of consciousness.
Add to this the greatly weaked magnetic field of the earth, impure and poluted air, impure and GMO based food supply, and poisons such as fluoride in the water, and it is no wonder that experiences have plateaued at a very unsatisfying level.
This rapidly deteriorating environment is destined to continue to deteriorate as the world enters into the pralaya that must come before the Golden Age promised by Krishna.
Satyug Sanctuary Pyramids
Fortunately, we know the Krishna Golden Age is on the way very soon and we have been given the necessary information to prepare ourselves to live in this wonderful time. One of the most important gifts of Knowledge that we have received is the Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid. These structures provide a simulated Satyug environment now so that we can rapidly change from a broken-down, aging Kaliyug physiology into a vibrant, youthful and strong physiology of Satyug.
The Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid is a special design patented structure that actually simulates the environment of Satyug. It provides an environmental chamber for a human being that corrects the weaknesses in the environment that are present in Kaliyug. This is so very important! Many sincere seekers of Truth have been meditating for 50 years or more and have reached a plateau in their experience. Full manifestation of the Siddhis is not happening, deep transcending to the Anandamaya Kosh is not being experienced. The reason is the thick and dark Kaliyug environment.
Let's look at the features of the Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid and see why it is so important to the development of higher states of consciousness:
The Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid provides total protection from all electromagnetic polution - this alone is a fantastic benefit. Unfortunately, electromagnetic pollution is all around us. Here's a short list of the main culprits:
• cell (and other mobile) phones
• computers and related equipment
• electrical appliances (including TV's)
• electronic equipment
• cell phone masts
• radio and TV transmitters
• microwave ovens
• house-wiring
• high and low voltage power lines
• information networks
• cars, motor cycles, buses, trains, planes.
Practically every new invention adds to the pollution. In fact, collectively, we've all been adding to EMF pollution for over 100 years. The rate of increase is rising exponentially. Electromagnetic pollution has now reached the critical level at which it can seriously damage your health. Electrosensitivity is a debilatating disorder that will soon be felt by more than 50% of the population. The devas of out bodies are working constantly to protect us from electromagnetic polution. The human body is amazingly adaptive and can survive the most oppressive environmental conditions, but if it is subjected to oppressive environmental conditions, all of the energy is wasted in this protection. There is nothing for development of refined nervous system and higher states of consciousness! Spending 12 to 24 hours a day in the a Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid gives your devas the much needed rest so they can turn inward and work on improving your body's health and refinement of experience.
The Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid comes in two versions:
A Giza proportion pyramid (mounted on a 40 inch tall base) that is tuned to the manomaya kosh and the Celestial Realms. This is the Internal Room Model that you can install in your home. This pyramid is spacious, measuring 8 feet on each side and is over 8 feet tall at the apex. One does not feel confined or claustrophobic inside the pyramid. There is ample room to perform puja inside the pyramid, to meditate inside the pyramid, to practice siddhis, do asanas and pranayama, yoga nidra and sleep inside the pyramid. It is possible to spend 12 hours a day, the minimum required time for transformation, in this environment.
A Nubian proportion pyramid that forms the top of a 2-story cottage on the grounds of New Goloka in the mountains of New Mexico. This pyramid is tuned to the Celestial Realms of the manomaya kosh. The cottage is spacious, measuring 11 feet on each side and is over 28 feet tall at the apex. One does not feel confined or claustrophobic inside the pyramid. The first floor contains closet space, bathroom and shower and kitchenette. The upper floor is where you perform puja, meditate, practice siddhis, do asanas and pranayama, yoga nidra and sleep inside the very tall Nubian pyramid.These cottages are now available for free RTC points under a timeshare program (see below). Due to the self-sufficient nature of these cottages, it is possible to spend up to 24 hours a day in this environment for maximum benefit and transformation of the physiology.
Meditation experiences are deeper and more profound in a pyramid. Sleep in a pyramid is more wakeful and energized as well, promoting witnessing of dreams and sleep. Sleep is deeper in a pyramid, providing deeper rest to the body. The pyramid geometry resonates with the Celestial realms and attunement with the mental plane is enhanced.
Some of the experiences in the Satyug Sanctuary
• Pyramid include:Reduced heart-rate and blood pressure
• Increased vital capacity of the lungs
• Improvement in the functioning of the hormone producing glands
• Improved mental functions, concentration, emotional stability, higher intelligence
• A sense of weightlessness.
• Electric-like tingling sensations as the Prana Body is easily experienced.
• Feelings of warmness, usually in the upper portions of the body.
• Tranquility, relaxation and freedom from tensions.
• Lucid Dreams with vivid colors and graphic visions.
• External stimuli, sight and sounds fade away.
• Time distortion, Pure Consciousness prevails.
• Out-of-body experiences (astral projection).
• Deeper, more fulfilling meditations and higher energy levels.
The Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid has walls made of Prana Panels, which actually attract and concentrate life-giving prana, that is present in the environment, into the center of the pyramid. Your body can then make use of this enhanced prana to provide more energy to the prana body and the physical body. The result is a clear feeling of enhanced prana inside the Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid. Prana Panels with 7 layers of aluminum foil (conductor) alternating with 7 layers of paper (insulator) and finished with a layer of copper foil, produces the optimal effect of concentrating prana into the pyramid.
Everyone needs a strong magnetic field for proper cell orientation and healthy functioning. One of the characteristics of Kaliyug, where we find ourselves today, is decreased vitality brought about in part by the weaker magnetic field of the earth. The Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid effectively supplements the earth's natural magnetic field and provide the environment for your body to enjoy increased vitality. The Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid includes a floor and sleeping mattress with over 900 grade 8 ceramic bar magnets that are orientated with negative magnetic field energy. The direct evidence of sleeping on and meditating in such a magnetic field (by Linus Pauling Award recipient William H. Philpott, M.D.) includes:
• Increases cellular oxygen
• Pulls fluids & gases
• Reduces fluid retention
• Encourages deep restorative sleep
• Fights infection
• Promotes mental acuity
• Supports biological healing
• Reduces inflammation
• Normalizes acid base balance
• Relieves/stops pain
• Reduces/dissolves fatty deposits
• Reduces dissolves calcium deposits
The air that is brought inside the Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid is purified by an air purification system to remove all allergens, dust, and mold from the environment. The Nubian pyramid cottages are fully climate controlled for optimum temperature, year around.
Nubian Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid Cottages
We are very pleased to announce the formation of New Goloka along with the first 15 Nubian Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid Cottages. Cottage sized Nubian proportion pyramids are designed for 24x7 living. The structure is 11 feet by 11 feet at the base and extendes to 2 levels. On the first level are closet, bathroom and kitchen facilities and on the upper level with a 20 foot pyramid peak above, is sleeping and meditation space. Each cottage accommodates one or two individuals for sleeping and meditation. Each cottage is fully shielded from electromagnetic radiation and the upper level is lined with Prana Panels.
These cottages are available at the Mahavideha University Campus (home to the New Goloka) in Cedar Crest, New Mexico. Here is an image that shows the first 15 proposed pyramid cottages, along with the large dome for meditation, meetings and dining.
These images show the floor plans for both levels and 3D views of the Nubian Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid Cottage. Level 1 Floor Plan
Level 1 3D View 1
Level 1 3D View 2
Level 1 3D View 3
Level 2 Floor Plan
External Nubian Pyramid
Timeshare Right to Use Points are granted for free when you register for any in-residence course. You receive one RTU point for every two course fee dollars. So for example, the 3 week Taste of Maha-videha Course is currently $2,737.50 (discounted from the normal price of $3,650) and will give you 1,368.75 RTU points per year. 200 points is the allocation for 1 day of residency in a pyramid cottage, each year for the next 30 years. So with 1,368.75 RTU points you would have rights to stay in a cottage for 6.8 days per year for the next 30 years. Your RTU points are transferable, so you can give your RTU points each year to another person to stay in your cottage. There is a monthly maintenance fee of $20 for each day of points, and this starts on the day you are granted your RTU points, at the end of your in-residence course. When you use your RTU points for a course, there is a charge of $25 per day to cover the cost of the central meeting, program, and dining facility, food (one vegetarian meal per day in the central dining hall at noon, plus a supply of food for the cottage for breakfast and light dinner), linen, and cleaning.
The following in-residence courses are now available - choose the one that best suits your needs now and receive free RTU points good for 30 years of courses!
Personal Instruction in Atmavedi Meditation plus your first Ashram Course. Enjoy the introductory course to learn Atmavedi Meditation and then experience the deeper meditations of an Ashram Course. In addition to the full personal instruction, the individual experiences the profound meditations inside one's personal Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid, and enjoys extra meditations and an advanced technique. There is also instruction in asanas and pranayama. The diet is pure organic vegetarian food, freshly prepared according to ayurvedic principles to balance the doshas. One gains knowledge and experience of the major chakras present in the prana body and how to keep these chakras in perfect balance. If health of the individual permits, there is an optional 5-day Satyug Kaya Kalpa session to reset the physiology to establish the basis for the transformation from a kaliyug physiology to a pure satyug physiology. The metabolism and digestive functioning are reset for optimal health.
Click here for more information and to apply for this 2-week course.
Advanced course in meditation for those who already practice Atmavedi or Transcendental Meditation. Two advanced techniques are given, depending on the desire and requirements of the individual, including Siddhis, Esoteric Maha-mantra, and Soma Rasa. Long meditations are provided for deep, profound experiences. The diet is pure organic vegetarian food, freshly prepared according to ayurvedic principles to balance the doshas. If health of the individual permits, there is an optional 5-day Satyug Kaya Kalpa session to reset the physiology to establish the basis for the transformation from a kaliyug physiology to a pure satyug physiology. The metabolism and digestive functioning are reset for optimal health.
Click here for more information and to apply for this 2-week course.
Taste of Maha-videha course for those who already practice Atmavedi or Transcendental Meditation. This is an intense, experience orientated course where you will be given many of the Maha-videha course techniques and enjoy the depth of experience this course provides. The Maha-videha course is a compilation of the full catalog of 108 courses offered by the Sri Vyuha Ashram. This course will provide you with a sample of the full course. One should be in perfect health for this course because it includes a 10-day Satyug Kaya Kalpa session to reset the physiology to establish the basis for the transformation from a kaliyug physiology to a pure satyug physiology. The metabolism and digestive functioning are reset for optimal health. Before and after the Satyug Kaya Kalpa session, the diet is pure organic vegetarian food, freshly prepared according to ayurvedic principles to balance the doshas.
Click here for more information and to apply for this 3-week course.
Krishna Bhakti Yoga - if you are in perfect health and want to try for Krishna Consciousness, this is the course for you. Krishna Consciousness is Brahman Consciousness that transcends this Universe. The objective of this course is Krishna Bhakti Yoga, the ultimate state of consciousness enjoyed by the great sage Narada. The focus of this course is intense and life-changing. One should be in perfect health for this course because it includes a 14-day Satyug Kaya Kalpa session to reset the physiology to establish the basis for the transformation from a kaliyug physiology to a pure satyug physiology. The metabolism and digestive functioning are reset for optimal health. Before and after the Satyug Kaya Kalpa session, the diet is pure organic vegetarian food, freshly prepared according to ayurvedic principles to balance the doshas. A pre-requisite for this course is one of the other 3 courses listed above.
Click here for more information and to apply for this 3-week course.
Also available for purchase are complete Giza proportion room-sized Satyug Sanctuary Pyramids for you own home. Visit this page to see the details of these pyramids.
It is our joy to be alive today to witness the dawning of the Golden Age promised by Krishna when He left the planet at the end of His incarnation, about 5,000 years ago. This is a time of the incredible transition from Kaliyug to Satyug for those who act now. This transition will bring considerable destruction to the planet and its inhabitants. Those who prepare now will be the first generation to enjoy the 10,000 year Satyug. This 10,000 year period of Satyug at the virtual start of Kaliyug is unprecedented. The normal course of events is for Kaliyug to endure for 432,000 years, then the pralaya comes and there is utter destruction of all life on Earth. Following the pralaya dawns a new day in the life of Lord Brahma, our Creator, where He again creates a totally new civilization during the first 172,800 years of Satyug. Satyug normally lasts for 1,728,000 years and begins with a totally mind-born creation. These mind-born creatures, created mentally from the mind of Lord Brahma, then procreate to populate the Earth. This 10,000 year Satyug is not nearly long enough to accommodate the usual transition from Kaliyug to Satyug. What is happening now is the negative, destructive forces are gaining power and will soon be responsible for almost total destruction of life on Earth. The so-called "elite" are leading the world into the pralaya that must inevitably come before the Golden Age of Satyug can arise. Our task is to survive these increasing negative influences and become the first generation of the new Satyug. The Satyug Sanctuary Pyramid is a key element to prepare you for the new Satyug.
Come and join us today!