Estee and Isaac's Wedding Fundraiser - Superniños
Tax deductible

"Ahekahina che chiko'i guara." This was my recurring joke as I walked around a small community in Paraguay for five years. I barely know any of the Paraguayan indigenous tongue, but I do know how to make my host family laugh when I depart a house. By telling everyone in Guarani that I have to go look for a boyfriend.
Moving to Paraguay in 2018 at 30 years old was a hard choice. I remember confiding in new friends, Laura and Brock, that I was worried about the sacrifices to Jewish dating that I was making to start a non-profit. I moved to Paraguay to start an organization for 2-5 years. Despite my fears. I knew that I needed to start a nonprofit at this point in my life to reach my children who I taught while in the Peace Corps while they were still children. But I was still worried - what would my life be like after?
Little did I know, the not-yet-mustachioed man who would become my butt buddy was taking his own risks. This man who despises leaving the house and does not eat chocolate finished his History degree and became a professional traveler. He turned into a pilot, but while soaring in his career found himself crashing in his love life. He had nearly called quits on dating when he had the opportunity to get set up with a friend of a friend who was living in Paraguay.
Our relationship was expedited, thanks to the pandemic, as both of us were grounded from our travels and forced to spend time with each other.
I didn't think it was possible to be committed to international development and also have someone who will wait for me at home, but somehow, I found someone who donated a Purim gift to the poor in my community, who was willing to travel to my nonprofit for our honeymoon, and who is willing to collect donations for an important cause in lieu of wedding gifts.
Superniños is doing a lot of firsts in the community of Coronel Oviedo. First summer literacy camp in the region. First bilingual TV show to teach the alphabet. And honestly, often it seems, that this is the first group of young people in our region who REALLY are making change for kids who don't know how to read past the letter A.
Superniños is more than a non-profit. It is a home, a community, a family, and a cause. We believe in the power of children. Do you?

Estee Katcoff
Philadelphia, PA
Superkids Foundation