Help for the Tadlock family
Hello All,
I wanted to start this go fund me account to help a dear friend of ours that has been a big part of the community and the church family. The Tadlock’s have always been there as a friend/family whenever someone was in need and I wanted to return the favor by starting this account.
Michael Tadlock was diagnosed with severe pancreatitis about a month ago and has been in the hospital for ~25 days. He has spent much of the time in and out of the ICU fighting this painful disease. He is on his way to recovery but still has a long road ahead of him. He has been unable to see his much of his family due to hospital Covid restrictions and spent the holidays in the hospital. The timeline for his recovery is unknown at this time.
Medical bills, travel expenses, etc can all be expensive and this account/donations will go directly to the Tadlock’s to help with Michael’s road to recovery. All donations are greatly appreciated and please keep the Tadlock’s in your thoughts and prayers during this journey.
Daniel and Kaila Hamilton