Evan W. Thompson III, The Real American
Evan Thompson (click here for the story: The Real American)
It’s time to say goodbye to a veteran who not only served his county in uniform, but a man who then went on for over 50 years giving back to his county in the most humble of ways.
Evan's family had a love of the wild and open spaces of America and it was in Beatty NV that his grandfather planted the family’s roots. A devoted husband and father of 11 children (and just as many grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren), Evan Thompson was an American just like you and I, but he was extraordinary in a unique a simple way.
Except for the 5 years that Evan served in the USN, he spent all 83 years of his life near Beatty NV. And it was that 5 years of service where he wore the uniform of a US Navy sailor that he developed a profound sense of pride, respect, and admiration for all those who served.
For the next 50+ years, Evan, his wife, and eventually all of their children and grandchildren, would participate in a family tradition of respect and appreciation whereby anytime they heard a military aircraft overhead, they would run outside, grab one of the dozens of American flags which were neatly rolled up around their polls under the front porch, and head out into the yard where they aggressively displayed their patriotism... waiving Old Glory to the pilots overhead.
They did this no matter how cold or how hot it was, not matter if it was rain or shine. Nor did they care what race, gender, or political affiliation the pilots overhead claimed to be. They gave selflessly and equally to everyone that visited them, and gave back what they had... their time, respect, and appreciation.
Over the decades, thousands of pilots would fly overhead as tribute to this man and his family... a simple way to acknowledge him and his unwavering display of patriotism. Over the years, he became known as "The Real American".
At age 83, Evan Thompson, The Real American... is now dying of terminal bone cancer. Please consider donating to this fundraiser to help his family offset the costs of his health care and pending funeral expenses.