Eva needs your help to stay alive
Good day
With a heavy heart but keeping our hopes up , we are asking you for help to be able to save the life of our daughter Eva. Unfortunately, she needs another bone marrow transplant. The girl has already suffered so much, but she is fighting for her life, and we can not give up, so we are asking for your help.
Eva was born on 10 June , 2009. In April 2010, she was diagnosed with myeloid leukemia, M2. It was treated according to the act for high risk groups. The brain irradiation was conducted. For a long time it remained in remission. But in 2012 the disease returned – the first relapse. Following the anti-relapse chemotherapy, it was possible to make autotransplantation with the help of stem cells. The operation was held in Kiev in the transplantation centre Okhmatdet in October 2012.
900 days of remission were interrupted by the second relapse ... at the regular planned checkup blast cells were identified. According to the conclusion of the chief specialist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on oncohematology, Eva was absolutely indicated transplantation from matched unrelated donor or partially matched related donor. The operation of such a complexity is not carried out in Ukraine. We started searching for clinics in Europe, and only one clinic took up the challenge: University Hospital of Navarra, in Pamplona.
Time for finding a matched unrelated donor was almost gone and the doctors decided to carry out the transplantation from the 50 % matched parent. In June 2015 the transplantation was successfully performed, the donor's bone marrow engrafted. However, up to date, the donor's bone marrow can no longer restrain the growth of leukemia cells. Eva urgently needs a new transplant from an allogeneic unrelated donor.
Treatment should begin as soon as possible till the chance for a successful transplant is not lost forever. The donor search is already initiated.
Account for the operation - 131 435,00 EUR. The clinic is ready to make concessions and to begin preparation for the transplantation procedure, if we can make an advance payment of 70 000 EUR. Of course, we started searching for money and 30.000 euro is still needed to raise! Therefore, we are asking for your financial support with hope and gratitude.
We are grateful to everyone who helps us.