Support for Eve Culling
The Culling's neighbors have known Evie and her family for years. As most of you know, Eve has been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis a few years ago. It got to a severe point about 1- 1/2 years ago where she required removal of her entire colon. Eve, at 14 years old, had to deal with very adult issues and missed a lot of school. Unfortunately, she has had complication after complication. Her loving parents have been at her bedside at all times and, as you can imagine, life is very stressful both personally and financially.
Her care has included prolonged trips and time at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. She currently is at Royal Oak William Beaumont Hospital ICU trying to recover from her recent surgery, again with major complications. Her older brother, Campbell, and her younger sister, Isabel, are trying to maintain life at home as best they can while Eve fights one battle after another. It is difficult on them too!
Scott and Jane have been taking so much time off work to be there for Eve, as well as, for their other children.
The neighbors and friends of the Culling family are putting this GoFundMe campaign together, with their permission, to help them with daily expenses, both medical and personal.
If you are able to help this wonderful family in their time of need, please consider any amount to help them through this very difficult time. The Culling family has been through so much and it would be so appreciated if at least their financial worries were reduced by even a small amount.