Hambledon Everest Running Challenge 2022
Charlie and I are passionate about the environment and outdoor sports, so we have decided to take on a challenge that encompasses both of those things. On the 6th August 2022 at 3pm we plan to run up and down Hambledon Hill in Dorset consecutively, climbing the height of Everest, 8848.86m in elevation. It will be over 100miles of running and will mean climbing the hill over 66 times. It is likely to take us around 24 hours to complete. It is the equivalent of running up the Empire State Building, then down then up again 29 times! Yes, we are bonkers but can't wait to give it a go and raise money for this brilliant Charity, The Young People's Trust for the Environment. Thank you in advance for checking out our fundraising page and if you feel you can make a donation, that would be awesome! If you are keen to come and support us, run a leg, have some pizza and a drink whilst we are in pain you can pop down anytime between 3pm on 6th to 3pm 7th August!
The Young People's Trust for the Environment (https://ypte.org.uk) is a charity that aims to create a better future by inspiring young people to look after our world. We want to give young people a real awareness of environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, deforestation and endangered flora & fauna. When we know the facts about the issues, we can start creating the change.
We have recently seen how fit and ready we are running part of The OnerUltra, 50miles along (up and down!) the Jurassic coast. This went well and we feel our training is on track for us to gives this challenge a good go!
Watch this space for training updates. Thank you again for your support.

Archie Parks
Better Planet Education