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Everly's Gastroschisis NICU Recovery

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We were blessed with the greatest Christmas gift of all today, as our Daughter Everly was born unexpectedly today via emergency c-section. Everly was diagnosed with a birth defect called Gastroschisis during our 12 week genetic scan earlier this year. Gastroschisis is a rare birth defect where the intestines are formed outside the body through a hole that did not properly close during early development. Everly decided to make her appearance early Christmas morning, as she was not moving or breathing properly inside the womb. Everly had corrective surgery 2 hours after birth and is currently recovering and will stay in the NICU for an unknown period of time. We have not been able to hold, kiss or even touch our daughter yet, which we are patiently waiting to do! Our family lives 2 hours from the LA NICU our daughter is being treated at and we also have a son at home. Donations will be used toward Everlys hospital stay and travel expenses.  Even if you aren't able to donate, thank you so much for taking the time to read about our family and a prayer is just as greatly appreciated! Our now family of four, wish you all Merry Christmas and a safe New Year!


  • Daniel Kruger
    • $40
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Christa Gardella
Bakersfield, CA
Cody Horath

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