Everyone Needs A Lucky Penguin
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Hey Kyle,
I wanted to give you all an update regarding my situation. First off I wanted to express how very grateful and blown away I am at everyone’s big-hearted kindness with helping me in my journey to attain a Medical Marijuana Card.
For those who don’t know, Cannabis oil has all but annihilated my PTSD fueled night terrors, as well as greatly diminished the unbearable pain from my badly deteriorating back. With your generous help, I am closer than ever to achieving my medical marijuana card! Part of the delay has had to do with waiting on a referral for my therapist of 10 years. It has been over 3 months since I have been able to meet with him due to “health problems” he is currently dealing with but because of HIPPA, I have no idea what this may entail and how long it may be until I am able to reconnect with him. But I am hopeful that it will be sooner than later!
We have a number of dispensaries very close to opening, and I am hoping to have my MMC in hand when they do. I have recently been given some encouraging information about a doctor who my be assisting individuals in my area, in need of medical marijuana. Fingers crossed.
I am on disability because of the PTSD that haunts me daily, and the SSI Disability literally pays my rent and MOST of my utilities, typically leaving me to figure out how to “rob Peter to pay Paul” each month just to make ends meet. This leave me $0 income for any unplanned situation that may arise.
The one such situation that has occurred continues to be my car... and while they say “time heals all wounds”, apparently this doesn’t extend to a person’s vehicle.
I took my car to a local shop (one my parents always trusted) and they expressed, at the time, that I had a power steering problem. To add insult to injury, while driving with no power steering, my car has begun to shake like mad (as if the tire is going to come off) and the Stability control lights come on along with the traction control light. honestly, this worries me every time i drive out to where she lives, to take her the stuff she needs. but I am truly worry about what I’d do if my car were to break down in the middlre of nowhere. I am unable to walk very far at all.
The thing is, I know that everyone has their own problems, and I don’t really expect everyone to help out. But I am hopeful that God will send someone who is in the position to help financially. Honestly, if it weren’t for me being it for my mama... I wouldn’t ever ask for help. If it were just about me, I’d take public transit. But the fact is, she really does need me, I’m all she has, and since she isn’t able to get around any longer, I get her medicines, her food, her water, and all other necessaries that she needs to her as well as take her to her Doctor’s appointments.
Please understand I am not complaining in any way... I am happy to help where I can, for as long as I am able (she IS my mama after all! And since my sister passed away earlier his year, she is now all I’ve got!)
I have been trying to cut anywhere I can, including cutting my cable earlier this year, to save money. But I keep my internet connection so I am still to socialize online with so many friends who have expressed care and concern for me. (Because I tend to isolate when I get depressed, I felt the need for the internet outweighed the need for cable)
Again, God bless those who have already helped me! And may God bless those who are in a position to help with my car (there is $900 left to get it back up and running the way it should be).
But please, if you are unable to help financially and are in the same boat as I am, please don’t feel badly, trust me, I understand more than you may realize. but i do ask ask that you join me in lifting up my situation to God. That would be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards,
Your friend Lucky”
I wanted to give you all an update regarding my situation. First off I wanted to express how very grateful and blown away I am at everyone’s big-hearted kindness with helping me in my journey to attain a Medical Marijuana Card.
For those who don’t know, Cannabis oil has all but annihilated my PTSD fueled night terrors, as well as greatly diminished the unbearable pain from my badly deteriorating back. With your generous help, I am closer than ever to achieving my medical marijuana card! Part of the delay has had to do with waiting on a referral for my therapist of 10 years. It has been over 3 months since I have been able to meet with him due to “health problems” he is currently dealing with but because of HIPPA, I have no idea what this may entail and how long it may be until I am able to reconnect with him. But I am hopeful that it will be sooner than later!
We have a number of dispensaries very close to opening, and I am hoping to have my MMC in hand when they do. I have recently been given some encouraging information about a doctor who my be assisting individuals in my area, in need of medical marijuana. Fingers crossed.
I am on disability because of the PTSD that haunts me daily, and the SSI Disability literally pays my rent and MOST of my utilities, typically leaving me to figure out how to “rob Peter to pay Paul” each month just to make ends meet. This leave me $0 income for any unplanned situation that may arise.
The one such situation that has occurred continues to be my car... and while they say “time heals all wounds”, apparently this doesn’t extend to a person’s vehicle.
I took my car to a local shop (one my parents always trusted) and they expressed, at the time, that I had a power steering problem. To add insult to injury, while driving with no power steering, my car has begun to shake like mad (as if the tire is going to come off) and the Stability control lights come on along with the traction control light. honestly, this worries me every time i drive out to where she lives, to take her the stuff she needs. but I am truly worry about what I’d do if my car were to break down in the middlre of nowhere. I am unable to walk very far at all.
The thing is, I know that everyone has their own problems, and I don’t really expect everyone to help out. But I am hopeful that God will send someone who is in the position to help financially. Honestly, if it weren’t for me being it for my mama... I wouldn’t ever ask for help. If it were just about me, I’d take public transit. But the fact is, she really does need me, I’m all she has, and since she isn’t able to get around any longer, I get her medicines, her food, her water, and all other necessaries that she needs to her as well as take her to her Doctor’s appointments.
Please understand I am not complaining in any way... I am happy to help where I can, for as long as I am able (she IS my mama after all! And since my sister passed away earlier his year, she is now all I’ve got!)
I have been trying to cut anywhere I can, including cutting my cable earlier this year, to save money. But I keep my internet connection so I am still to socialize online with so many friends who have expressed care and concern for me. (Because I tend to isolate when I get depressed, I felt the need for the internet outweighed the need for cable)
Again, God bless those who have already helped me! And may God bless those who are in a position to help with my car (there is $900 left to get it back up and running the way it should be).
But please, if you are unable to help financially and are in the same boat as I am, please don’t feel badly, trust me, I understand more than you may realize. but i do ask ask that you join me in lifting up my situation to God. That would be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards,
Your friend Lucky”
Kyle McKenzie
Mesquite, TX