Evie (age 4) is running 20km in 20 days
Evie (age 4) has decided she would like to support Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity by running 20km in 20 days (1km per day). This is the distance it would take for her to run to the Noah’s Ark Hospital and back to her house. Her Brother Evan who is 5 months old was treated in the assessment unit and on Island Ward when he was a few weeks old. She would like to say thank you and help them through these difficult times.
They do not receive support from NHS charities together or the Government funding currently available. Please donate what you can to help them support children and families in need. Thank you x
Please help her reach her target by donating what you can. Thank you x
Do you want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money in aid of NOAH'S ARK CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL CHARITY and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.