Ewaso Lions
Tax deductible
Ewaso Lions is dedicated to conserving lions and other large carnivores by promoting coexistence between people and wildlife. They are an independent 100% African wildlife conservation organization which engages and builds the capacity of key demographic groups by developing approaches to reduce human-carnivore conflict. EL's conservation landscape includes three protected areas. They raise awareness of ecological problems to spur solutions from within their communities, and conduct research and educational initiatives that reinforce traditionally held beliefs and the evolving culture of wildlife conservation across the landscape. Ensuring a future for Kenya’s lions through community-led conservation.
You can understand them better here-(PENDING VIDEO OR ARTICLE VIA SOPHIE)
For those who may not know, Andrew is somewhat obsessed with his favorite animal - the lion. Many a night he spends watching videos of them and, in fact, his Alumni Water Polo Club has been coined the "Lumi Lions". Finding a conservation effort that did not want to separate lions from their natural habitat to save them, but rather teach the humans aroun
d them how to better coexist, is so unique. This organization is doing phenomenal work to not only protect lions, but allow them to still live in their native lands.
Rachel Wohl
San Francisco, CA
Wildlife Conservation Network