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Conquering “Limitless Possibilities” comes at a high price. Ashley Norton is a single mother, a domestic violence survivor and has been blessed with 6 heart surgeries and Multiple Sclerosis. After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis back in 2017 she has made it her mission to find a cure for the disease. She is committed to creating a movement to find a cure for MS by becoming an Iron(wo)man, documenting her journey and raising money for The Grace Foundation.
Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that affects more than 2.1 million people globally, Multiple Sclerosis is a progressive autoimmune disease that degrades the protective barriers and physical immune defenses that guard the nervous system. The body’s immune system views its own nervous tissues as a forgein body and attacks it as if it were a common virus or infection. As the disease progresses through the body’s defense system, it breaks into the nervous system, which regulates all movements in the body. A compromised nervous system can affect one's vision, ability to walk or talk, and any other motor skill and bodily function initiated by the nervous system. I am blessed to still be able to walk, talk, and function independently, but many others who have MS do not have the same ability and autonomy.
Ashley’s wakes up every day and stands for those who no longer have the ability to stand. Providing an outlet and a voice for those who have lost theirs to this illness. Creating a vision of a world with a cure for those who have lost their sense of sight. Her mission is to generate financial support for the scientists, doctors, and institutes working relentlessly to find a cure for this by generating a voice and a wave that weaves communities together across the globe.
Ashley represents endless possibilities available to those who have had so much taken from them. She stands as a beacon of light against the limiting beliefs of doubt and resignation that this disease defaults to. She chooses to live a life with intention, and is here to help others claim their own power against this disease.
Throughout Ashley’s life, God has blessed her with adverse roads to walk and steep mountains to summit. From lifelong heart complications, Multiple Sclerosis diagnoses, and a history plagued with domestic violence, her path could be described as perilous or cursed. She looks at these events as intentionally leading her and preparing her for up to this moment and this space she currently finds herself in: Stretching into her purpose.
Ashley has developed the mantra that keeps her fighting with the same strength and vigor every day that “PAIN IS TEMPORARY.” It’s the journey of discovering new depths of this mantra and how it manifests for those around her, that lights her up and keeps her going. She gets up every day and FIGHTS WARS against the unknown. Swallowing the reality of her current MS prognosis’ and navigating the slew of symptoms that accompany the disease is a heavy enough weight to carry around and fight against. Framing my daughter within that reality-my reality- and what that means for her; waking up every day into a reality that she may not see her beautiful daughter's face again, that is a pill she is not ready to swallow. The odds of that reality coming true, and the modern MS prognosis is what keeps a fire lit under her to live her mantra every single day.
In order to get to the finish line at the World Championship in FRANCE on September 23rd, Ashley needs massive support, for being a physically challenged athlete who is shifting the narrative of what is possible is costly. Ashley needs are great and in order to execute the “impossible”, she needs the strength, commitment and support of the community and people all around the world! Her purpose pose here on earth is not to live cautiously but to defy ALL odds against her, and be the first person with a pacemaker and MS to complete The IronMan World Championship in NICE, FRANCE 2024! In order to get to the FINISH LINE and save lives, she will need a special team and many special items, to train and multiple trips to acclimate to the weather. She also needs support to execute the Grace Foundation, as she does all of the leg work.
There is no cost too great to save lives and show the world that “anything is possible” when you stop limiting yourself. Ashley graciously thanks you for joining her movement and exceeding the IMPOSSIBLE!She looks forward to bringing the world with her into the “possibilities” and holding her high ALL THE WAY TO THE FINISH LINE!
Ashley Norton
Seattle, WA