Exile Online - A Cyberpunk MMO
Donation protected

Exile Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game that takes place in a fantastical Scifi dystopian cyberpunk universe. It is inspired by its forebears in the genre which include such popular works as Bladerunner, Akira, Judge Dredd, Deus Ex, Total Recall, Ghost in the Shell and Syndicate.
While it will have some similar aspects to these illustrious names, Exile Online will make its own mark and contribution to the Cyberpunk theme while at the same time combining this with a terrific set of gameplay features.
Exile Online has a wide variety of sandbox features, including extensive player housing, a mix-and-match skill system, an intricate economy, implants, politics and of course, a futuristic dystopia of high technology and low morals. Life on Erebus is cheap.
The wary citizen must always keep an eye out, lest they become just another statistic, crushed under the feet of monumentally powerful and corrupt mega corporations and bureaucratic agencies. Beware the alien and mechanical menaces that have also come to call Erebus their home. They will not hesitate to prey upon the weak.

As a sandbox world, living inside Exile Online gives players the opportunity to do many things that may seem out of the ordinary in a usual MMO. While fighting and raiding are considered the norm these days, we are also going to give players the tools to shape and evolve the world itself should they have the guts to go after the glory.
One of our main driving forces for Exile Online is player choice. The main focus of this is constructing a varied and colourful world that will create an intense sense of immersion to each and every player. The feeling of making a difference and being an actual integrated part of a developing story and lore setting is one of the goals we aim to achieve.

Players will have the freedom to advance their character in any way they see fit. Whether this be through combat or other less than lethal means. The power to forge a unique destiny for your character drives our development process from the ground up.
Bribe, steal, cheat, kill, beg. How you play the game is up to you. The opportunities are endless. Blast your enemies in the back as a brutal gang member or knock some heads together after signing up with the cities security enforcement division. Become a wealthy industrial business tycoon or even live out your days as a digital avatar in the cybernet. The limits are your own imagination...and beyond.

Combat :
- Multiple combat styles that will range from advanced heavy weaponry to psionic powers.
- Defeat your enemies any way you see fit. Choose from brutal frontal assaults, stealth tactics, advanced warfare...or bring them down without lifting so much as a finger, by attacking their infrastructure.
- Fast paced and action packed dynamic encounters in both PvP and PvE engagements.
- Mounted combat situations.
- Randomised boss abilities, giving variety and challenge to encounters when repeated.
- Racial mastery over certain types and varieties of NPC enemies.
- NPC races with special custom abilities that are unique to them and pose unique challenges to players.
- Skill shots, timed assaults and aimed attacks mean that a player's expertise and reactions are a key element for surviving each brutal engagement.
- Choose the correct stance and use cover wisely to ensure you are not caught with your proverbial pants down when the muck hits the thermal extractor.
- 11 unique and diverse skillset lines.
- Each skill line contains 10 tiers.
- You will have the chance to learn all the skills in the game over time.
- Skills are advanced via usage or time to attain absolute mastery over your physical or psychic abilities.
- Non combat roles will have unique skills that will allow you to achieve your goals without even engaging with your enemy face to face.
Item Enhancements:
- Ability to increase the effectiveness of your items with enhancement modifications.
- Tailor your equipment to suit certain circumstances.
- Modify the appearance of your equipment without changing its statistics with cosmetic upgrades.
The Cybernet:
- Expand your conciousness and adventure into this alternate gameplay reality where up is sometimes down and down is sometimes who knows what.
- Unique Cybernet based avatar that is separate from your real world body.
- Live out your days as a fully fledged Cybernet entity.
Actions within the Cybernet and the real world will have lasting effects on both realities.

World Persistence:
- Unique Scifi cyberpunk game world. Set within the vast futuristic metropolis of Heliopolis on the exotic and dangerous alien world of Erebus.
- Shape the future evolution of entire game world areas.
Your decisions will have lasting ramifications on the evolution of the game and landscape as NPC's evolve to your actions...or lack of action.
- Multiple outcomes to certain player choices.
- Take control of the corporations, gangs and businesses of Heliopolis. Do not be afraid of committing a little bit of corporate espionage. Just make sure you are not caught.
- Join and run missions for unique factions. Who knows...if you work for them long enough you might even end up sitting on the throne yourself. Make enough people disappear and anything is possible.
- Geographical areas change over time. Monster and harvesting concentrations adapt to player actions.

Dynamic Avatar Creation:
-Almost limitless combinations of style and appearance.
- All tastes are catered for in Heliopolis Prime.
- Tattoos, piercings, gang markings, crazy hairstyles.
- Change what your equipment looks like through modifications.
- Bionic implants for that visually appealing mech look.

Player Apartments:
- Players will have their very own apartment space within the world.
- Work your way up the property ladder by becoming a housing magnate. Be the envy of all those around you.
- Acquire and customise new apartments to suit your own unique style.
- Invite your friends to hang out with you. Kick back and relax after a long day of raiding or corporate espionage.
- Almost infinite combinations and placement of furniture, wall colourings, ornaments and trophies.
- Apartments range in size and quality. From the smallest of rad zone hovels up to huge multi room penthouse palaces.

- The very best items in the game are hand crafted by players.
- Crafting proficiency allows for mastery of each recipe to increase the chances of gaining better results when crafting items.
- Researching allows players to make use of unidentified blueprints.
- Deconstruct unneeded items to acquire useful crafting materials using the salvaging skill.
- Discover thousands of rare or ancient technological breakthroughs that will put you head and shoulders above the competition.
- Research items that you find for a chance to unearth new recipes or tech.

Player Settlements:
The ability to create things that every player will be able to see, visit and interact with is a great way to immerse the players in the Exile Online experience and to express the sandbox design value of persistence.
There will be specific locations in the world that we develop for the sole function of allowing players to construct buildings.
- Players will be able to build a variety of persistent structures in the wider game world.
- Upgrade, expand, maintain your settlement to increase its functionality and power.
- Visit other players bases and trade with them. Make a settlement your first port of call when adventuring in an area.
- Take part in siege battles. Other players and even NPCs will try to take your settlement from you.
Pimp Your Ride:
- Extensive player vehicle selections.
- Ranging from simple junk hoverboards all the way to luxury sporting death machines.
- Take your friends on a joy ride with multi passenger vehicles.
- Customisable skins, parts and paint jobs means no two vehicles will ever look the same.
- Display your clan colours on your ride.
Both military and civilian vehicles types.
- Discover rare alien vehicle tech that will make you the envy of all your friends and the bane of your enemies.
- Vehicle racing in both open world and arena style locations.

Fluid Gaming:
- Access your characters mail box anywhere in the world (unless the signal is jammed or you are out of range of mail service reception towers).
- Most missions will not require you to go back to the
- NPC that gave you the mission to turn it in or advance to the next stage.
- Check your Auction House entry via your personal remote access implant.
Why Gofundme?
Up to now, we have managed to keep our operating costs down to a minimum. Many of our team have worked for free and we have found several affordable outsourced freelance employees that have been paid for using personal funding of the company founder.
We had been prepared to continue this way up launch, but recent growth of interest in the project has made us realise that we owe our growing fanbase an increased development turnaround and as polished a game as we can (in)humanly provide. We are looking to part fund our project and kick things into high gear and we need your help to ensure we can accomplish this.
Exile Online is a major endeavour of the heart for our team members. We know that a success or failure will lie not only with a jam packed feature list on launch, but also a well developed sense of polish and stability.
We had an unsuccessful Kickstarter in the middle of 2016. We have taken on board the comments and feedback gained from that and have been working hard to complete the mission and NPC systems which were not in place at the time.
Having additional funding will open up avenues of approach that will let us create certain features that we think might be improved upon above and beyond what we currently have.
This is our first in a series of planned phases of funding on Gofundme. We have decided to divide our goals up into milestones rather than seeking one huge lump sum in one go. This way we can complete planned and announced milestones and prove to our pledges that their funding is being used wisely.
Funding Expendature:
- Developement Work: 80% - The heart of our developement. This is full time asset creation by our artists and programmers.
- Backend Infrastructure: 10% - Costs to keep our servers, websites and forums up and running along with costs for developer tools and licences.
- Marketting: 10% - Helping to increase the publicity and spreading the word of Exile Online.
Features that funding will help us to enhance and implement:
- A vastly increased array of NPC's.
- Refined and smoother animations for all characters.
- Increased number of motion capture animations.
- Totally reworked GUI design and functionality.
- Enhanced character creation that meets our exacting design plan. Allowing for nearly infinite variations of appearance.
- Even more armour pieces, character customisation options and weapon models.
- Additional effects for both abilities and environmental purposes.
- Refinements and extensions to the current foundation gameplay systems that are already in place.
- Heavily increased work pace due to team expansion for a faster public beta access release.
- More player and NPC civilian vehicles.
- Additional sound effects and background music creation.
- Reworked website and forums for ease of use.

Exile Gaming Studio is an independent video game development team. Our team is small but very dedicated to the project. We have spent the last year and a half in heavy pre production and have recently stepped up to developing fully realised game systems and art.
Some of our team either work at a day job or choose to spend full time on the project by devoting as many hours as they can. Each and every one of us has invested many a sleepless night into development, as we strongly believe in the project and know we have a winning formula.
Our team member experience covers a wide range and variety of work within both the indie, freelance and professional sides of the video game development industry.
Around a year was spent constructing our game design documents in as much detail as inhumanly possible, diligently ensuring that as many aspects of the games innards would be pre planned before actually touching so much as a line of code.
After that it came down to expanding the team past mere idea and design men and putting together a technical team with the skills and dedication necessary for creating something as in depth as an MMO.

We have spent the better part of the last year and a half in heavy pre production and have recently stepped up to developing fully finished coded game systems and ingame art such as entire game regions and city areas along with all the other models that are required to flesh out such an intricate thing as a cyberpunk city.
Hurdles have come up of course and been surmounted, as production advances and continues. Several team members have come and gone due to mostly unforeseen circumstances, which is par for the course in such an adventure as this. New and fresh fresh faces have also joined the team, bringing in further enthusiasm for the project.

Any and all contributions that go toward the future of development for our project are greatly appreciated. To this end, we have produced a wide variety of pledge levels to choose from. If you have any questions about any of the pledge details, please feel free to ask us for clarification.
Pledge £5 or more
-10 store credits.
-Name in credits and website as founder.
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
- 1 x Mystery loot crate.
Pledge £10 or more
-Name Reservation.
-15 store credit.
-Name in credits and website as founder.
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
-3 x Mystery loot crate.
-2 x 1 hour exp boosters.
Pledge £15 or more
-Name Reservation.
-25 store credits.
-Name in credits and website as founder.
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-1 additional character slot.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection
-3 x Mystery loot crate.
-4 x 1 hour exp boosters.
Pledge £20 or more
-Name Reservation.
-30 store credits.
-Name in credits and website as founder.
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-1 additional character slot.
-1 additional bank storage page.
-1 additional inventory storage page.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
-4 x Mystery loot crate.
-4 x 1 hour exp boosters.
Pledge £25 or more
-Name Reservation.
-35 store credits.
-Name in credits and website as founder
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-1 additional character slot.
-1 additional bank storage page.
-1 additional inventory storage page.
-Guaranteed closed beta testing access.
-1 day early access at launch.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
-4 x Mystery loot crate.
-4 x 1 hour exp boosters.
Pledge £35 or more
-Name Reservation.
-40 store credits.
-Name in credits and website as founder
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-2 additional character slots.
-2 additional bank storage pages.
-1 additional inventory storage page.
-Guaranteed closed beta testing access.
-2 day early access at launch.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
-5 x Mystery loot crate.
-5 x 1 hour exp boosters.
Pledge £45 or more
-Name Reservation.
-45 store credits.
-Name in credits and website as founder
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-2 additional character slots.
-2 additional bank storage pages.
-2 additional inventory storage pages.
-Guaranteed closed beta testing access.
-2 day early access at launch.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
-5 x Mystery loot crate.
-5 x 1 hour exp boosters.
Pledge £60 or more
-Name Reservation.
-60 store credits.
-Name in credits and website as founder
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-3 additional character slots.
-3 additional bank storage pages.
-3 additional inventory storage pages.
-Guaranteed closed beta testing access.
-3 day early access at launch.
-Medium quality apartment key (random location).
-Founder statue apartment decoration item.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
-6 x Mystery loot crate.
-5 x 1 hour exp boosters.
-2 x 1 hour skill upgrade boosters.
Pledge £75 or more
-Name Reservation.
-75 store credits.
-Name in credits and website as founder
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-4 additional character slots.
-4 additional bank storage pages.
-4 additional inventory storage pages.
-Guaranteed closed beta testing access.
-4 day early access at launch.
-Medium quality apartment key (random location).
-Founder statue apartment decoration item.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
-6 x Mystery loot crate.
-5 x 1 hour exp boosters.
-2 x 1 hour skill upgrade boosters.
Pledge £100 or more
-Name Reservation.
-100 store credits. -
-Name in credits and website as founder
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-5 additional character slots.
-4 additional bank storage pages.
-4 additional inventory storage pages.
-Guaranteed closed beta testing access.
-5 day early access at launch.
-High quality apartment key (random location). -Founder statue apartment decoration item.
-NPC named after you.
-Founder armour and weapon cosmetic set.
-2 x 5 day early access keycode for a friend.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
-8 x Mystery loot crate.
-10 x 1 hour exp boosters.
-5 x 1 hour skill upgrade boosters.
Pledge £150 or more
-Name Reservation.
-150 store credits.
-Name in credits and website as founder
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-6 additional character slots.
-4 additional bank storage pages.
-4 additional inventory storage pages.
-Guaranteed closed beta testing access.
-6 day early access at launch.
-2 High quality apartment keys (random locations).
-Founder statue apartment decoration item.
-NPC named after you.
-Founder armour and weapon cosmetic set.
-4 x 6 day early access keycode for a friend.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
-8 x Mystery loot crate.
-10 x 1 hour exp boosters.
-5 x 1 hour skill upgrade boosters.
Pledge £250 or more
-Name Reservation.
-250 store credits.
-Name in credits and website as founder
-Forum and ingame founder title prefix.
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-6 additional character slots.
-4 additional bank storage pages.
-4 additional inventory storage pages.
-Guaranteed closed beta testing access.
-7 day early access at launch.
-2 High quality apartment keys (random locations).
-Ascendant founder statue apartment decoration item.
-NPC named after you.
-Ascendant armour and weapon cosmetic set.
-4 x 7 day early access keycode for a friend.
-Ascendant Founder title prefix.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
-10 x Mystery loot crate.
-10 x 1 hour exp boosters.
-10 x 1 hour skill upgrade boosters.
Pledge £350 or more
-Name Reservation.
-400 store credits.
-Name in credits and website as founder
-Founder plaque apartment item.
-6 additional character slots.
-4 additional bank storage pages.
-4 additional inventory storage pages.
-Guaranteed closed beta testing access.
-7 day early access at launch.
-Ascendant founder statue apartment decoration item.
-NPC named after you.
-Ascendant armour and weapon cosmetic set.
-4 x 7 day early access keycode for a friend.
-Ascendant Founder title prefix.
-Central city penthouse apartment key.
-Digital download HD wallpaper collection.
-10 x Mystery loot crate.
-10 x 1 hour exp boosters.
-10 x 1 hour skill upgrade boosters.
Name reservation:
This reserves your name. Pending approval.
Store credit:
Exile Online is a free to play game. We also give players the option to enhance their experience with microtransaction in our store.
The store will not feature items that increase the combat effectiveness or "P2W".
The store will stock cosmetic items as well as quality of life enhancements such as EXP boosters or additional bank/character/inventory slot.
All pledge levels will include at least some Store Credit that can be used at full launch to purchase a variety of items.
Founder Plaque:
This item of decoration will be given to all pledge levels to place in their apartment. The appearance of the plaque will differ depending on pledge level.
Statue based on your RL appearance:
The city of Heliopolis features many plazas and parks. Scattered through these parks will be statues of Heroic or well known people. We will model your real life appearance and create a monument that denotes your support of the project. The statue will also feature a plaque with your name on it.
Contributor name in credits/website page:
Every single pledge member will have their name added to the list of founders on our website and credits ingame.
Guaranteed closed beta access:
We guarantee your access to all closed beta invite phases.
Headstart early access entry:
When the game comes to full release launch, you will be given a headstart for access ahead of others. This ranges from a day, to several days, depending on pledge level.
Founder Title Prefix:
All pledge levels will include the founder title prefix ingame and on our website forums.
Apartment keys:
You will be given a code that will generate a key card for ownership of an exclusive founder only apartment style.
One of a kind Apartment:
This apartment will make everyone you know jealous. It will be a totally unique, one of a kind apartment that noone else in the entire world will have access to.
NPC named after you:
We will name an NPC after you.
1 of a kind weapon appearance:
There is only 1 of this weapon in the entire universe. It is totally unique in appearance. We will work with you to design and create this item from the ground up.
1 of a kind Armour appearance:
There is only 1 of this piece of armour in the entire universe. It is totally unique in appearance. We will work with you to design and create this item from the ground up.
Bank Upgrade:
You will be given extended bank inventory storage pages depending on pledge level (up to maximum of 5 total bank pages).
Inventory Upgrade:
You will be given extended inventory storage pages depending on pledge level (up to maximum of 5 total inventory pages).
Character Slot Upgrade:
You will be given additional character slots up to a maximum of 10, depending on pledge level.
NPC based on your RL appearance:
We will create an NPC ingame using your Real Life appearance. This NPC will appear in an important role in the Lore.
Meet and Greet 1*:
We will invite you to join us for dinner and a hangout session for you and up to 2 guests at one of the game expo that we attend in late 2017 or early 2018 within the EU or US. Tickets to the event included. Transportation and lodging not included.
Meet and Greet 2**:
We will invite you to join us for dinner and a hangout session for you and a guest at one of the game expo that we attend in late 2017 or early 2018 within the EU or US. Lodging and tickets to the expo for 2 nights will be included. Transportation not included.
Digital download HD wallpaper collection:
A selection of high quality HD digital wallpapers for your desktop computer background. Will come with either logo or logoless versions. Download link will be emailed out to all backers.
Mystery loot crate:
Could contain absolutely anything. Apartments keys, rare equipment skins, up market vehicles, crafting material packs, booster packs, rare companion followers....anything.

MMORPG Feature article - Click Here
MMORGP KS article - Click Here
Massivelyop Feature Article - Click Here
Worthplaying Feature article - Click Here
Indiegamemag Feature article - Click Here
MMOGAMES Feature article - Click Here
MMOBOMB KS article - Click Here
Post EGX 100xp Interview - Click Here
Retrogamesmaster Interview - Click Here

If you want to find out more about us or our project, please be sure to visit our website and check out the Game Features section.
We also have an active FAQ forum posting where we will be more than happy to clue you into our vision and goals.
Check out the Forums for some detailed discussions between the developers and the community. Our Youtube channel also has the videos shown here all collected in one handy place.
Give us a like on Facebook. The support of our fans means a lot to us and every bit really does help.
Website - http://exile-online.com/
Features Section - http://exile-online.com/index.php/gamefeatures
Forums - http://exile-online.com/index.php/forums
FAQ Thread - http://exile-online.com/Forum/FAQ
Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/ExileMMO/videos
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/ExileOnlin e
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/prometheus2015/sets/exile-online-ost
Risks and challenges
Game development is a difficult and risky endeavour, Many indie projects are usually in their very early development stages meaning they have some concepts and an idea for a product.
We have been working hard in our current milestone set to ensure that we did not come to Gofundme prematurely, with nothing to show. Exile Online is close to going into our first closed public alpha testing stage, with actual ingame content and playability.
We have built a small but strong and dedicated team over the past few years and with the success of this funding campaign we will be able to expand our team a bit to increase productivity and development speeds.
We have current and future production timelines and milestones planned and mapped out, however game development is a fluid and ever evolving process which means that schedules cannot always be guaranteed.
Our commitments to you, our backers:
- We will use ALL of the funds raised to develop and further the production of Exile Online.
- We will stay in constant communication with our community, to let you know of changes and additions to our content, features or schedule.
Dan Anderson