Exit Staff Relief Fund
Joining with many other bars/clubs/restaurants in the city, Exit will be closing its doors during the (we hope) 2-week mandatory Chicago closures. As you know, we nearly never close no matter what - it's in our tagline and on the front of the building! This is a huge blow to our staff financially - bartenders, barbacks, door staff, DJs, promoters, performers, etc - who depend on working for and entertaining our rag-tag gang of awesome late night patrons. They're all going to be scraping by in the coming weeks and anything that any one can put towards our fund would be insanely appreciated. If you've ever had an ounce of fun with us (or probably TOO much fun), please consider donating.
Every penny will go towards helping our staff and you can be guaranteed that when the smoke clears, we'll be coming out swinging and ready to get weird with everyone again! Thank you so much.
- Evan Haney, Exit Management