Support our Koala Hospital expansion
Friends of the Koala is a grassroots organisation with over 35 years of experience working on critical, on-the-ground activities to conserve habitat and protect koalas individually and as a species. We have a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by koalas in our region.
We are the people that do the work, every single day. We respond to rescue calls 24/7, and provide veterinary treatment and care year-round in our Koala Hospital. We participate in groundbreaking research. We plant koala food trees and other native species across the Northern Rivers, and protect and restore prime koala habitat.
Our holistic approach makes us especially effective. With 250+ volunteers contributing 75,000 volunteer hours per year, Friends of the Koala keep operational costs extremely low, so your support goes further.
Each year we tend to more than 350 sick, injured, and orphaned koalas from across the Northern Rivers region. That's over a third of all wild koalas rescued in NSW and more than any other individual rescue group or wildlife hospital in the state! But our current Koala Hospital and rehabilitation facilities are stretched beyond limits.
We are currently undertaking a Masterplan development for our hospital, and secured funding for stage one to increase the capacity within our Koala Hospital and Koala Care Facility but it isn't enough. Sadly, due to limited availability of materials and contractors, construction prices have skyrocketed.
Your support today can help expand our hospital now - and DOUBLE the number of sick, injured and orphaned koalas we can treat. You can ensure more koalas get the emergency care they need to survive and return to the wild.
Donate today to help us:
- Expand the existing hospital so that more koalas can receive lifesaving care.
- Upgrade the surgery with state-of-the-art equipment.
- Include a Research & Diagnostics Laboratory room in the hospital.
- Create a larger enclosure for permanent koalas to improve their quality of life.
The improved facilities will also support our community engagement activity, allowing community members and visitors to undertake self-guided tours in conjunction with our daily operations.
If you believe in a future for this iconic species, we would love your support to ensure that NSW Northern Rivers koalas can continue to thrive in the years ahead.

Friends of the Koala