Expand the Tiny Vet Clinic Services
ACT Pet Crisis Support would love to expand our veterinary services for low income pet owners. Every donation will help us to realise our dream of ensuring that all pet owners owned by disadvantaged pet owners have access to veterinary care.
ACT Pet Crisis Support is a volunteer-run, not for profit Canberra community organisation registered with the ACNC in March 2019 and dedicated to avoiding economic euthanasia of beloved family pets. We run regular Tiny Vet Clinics to help pet owners who would otherwise be unable to afford care for their pets.
All donations to ACT Pet Crisis Support over $2 are tax deductible.
As featured on The Project: https://twitter.com/theprojecttv/status/1764198816163508275
Dr Eloise would love to start a non-profit veterinary clinic that is able to provide low-cost surgeries to disadvantaged pet owners. We would love your help to realise this dream. Currently, the Tiny Vet Clinic helps with free consultations, health checks, ear diseases, eye infections, lump checks, vaccinations, microchips and help for ageing pets who need arthritis management. We run by donation only for pet owners who would otherwise be unable to afford veterinary care
We help pensioners, those on a low or fixed income, the homeless and those experiencing financial difficulties. Many of our clients have their own chronic health problems are elderly or have lost their employment.
The aim is to open a mobile veterinary clinic that can also perform surgeries. Currently we are operating out of a converted caravan and we are limited by the size of our space. We would love to upgrade our premises and equipment so we can make more of a difference in the community.
Eloise Bright
Kaleen, ACT
ACT Pet Crisis Support