Expanding Childcare for workers amid COVID-19
We are The Learning Forest Childcare Home and Preschool LLC have been offered the opportunity to support the efforts of first 5 CA and Alameda County to house several new students temporarily whose parents are first responders and in the medical field and I readily agreed! I
wholeheartedly believe that we are one greater
community and shall do our part to support the
families of essential workers in need.
Our focus is on being a community pillar for the
hard working essential workers in Oakland who
are so important during this time of crisis. While
we are fulfilling the recommendations of the CDSS in cleaning precautions and preparedness to be ready for our new students: we are asking for
donations for more cleaning supplies, food (we
serve breakfast, lunch and two snacks), emergency supplies, multi-age activities, extra bedding and to pay extra workers to support the new temporary students and compensate teachers for longer hours.
We are uncertain of how long the shelter-in-place directive will be in place and uncertain how quickly the curve will be flattened of this pandemic, nevertheless, we plan on being ready to do our part for the greater good of our community. All students need a safe and loving place to learn and parents who must go to work to support our communities health and wellness need support too! With your help we will be more than ready and honored to except these new students for an unknown amount of time with open arms.
Likewise, we appreciate all of our current
families flexibility in this difficult time and their
support of our decision to help families in need.