Emergency Legal Defense Fees Needed
For the past three decades I have done my best to Share the Adventure of Discovery of our17th Century Historic Shipwreck Site our company had ownership, with the public!
Now, after three decades, the State of Florida is actually attempting "pirate" its ownership from us! For almost 30 years of searching for the unidentified shipwreck's remains, under a unique 1A -32 Research and Recovery Agreement, the State of Florida is moving in the Federal Appellate Action to state that it now represents the abandoned Shipwreck and not our company! This is based upon a bogus ruling by a Federal Magistrate who did not understand the complexity of our agreement with the State and just how duplicitous the State's
agencies have been over the last 30 years - attempting to wear out our spirit, good will and believe in America's free enterprise.
For over three years, while we attempted to follow due process - we have not been able to work at our shipwreck site because of obstruction and threats by the State of Florida. We were suppose to have the protection of the Federal Courts but the Magistrate did not have a clear understanding of what the State was up to - basically wearing us out by keeping us
from working the site.
We now need to raise a minimum of $13,000.00 for legal fees, so as to pay our Admiralty
Attorney should his services be needed for an oral argument now that the Appellate Court has appointed a three judge panel, to review the Federal Magistrate's bog us ruling and to
return ownership of the shipwreck back to us after, diligently working to research and
recover it for almost 30 years!