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Help Eyanas family find peace & closure

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This fundraiser is being organized for a friend of mine that tragically lost her beautiful daughter close to 9 years ago. Her daughters name was Eyana "Nana" Janae White, and she was a 7th grader at Lewis & Clark Middle School, she was 12 years old. On Dec. 17, 2013, Eyana took her own life in her familys home. Unbeknownst to her family, Eyana was the victim of relentless bullying, both at school and online. My friend lost one of her children that horrible day, her other children lost their sibling, grandparents lost their grandchild, aunts and uncles lost a niece, cousins lost a cousin, and her best friends lost their best friend.

Due to financial issues, Eyanas mom has never been able to secure the funds to purchase her a headstone. Eyana needs a headstone, Her time here with us needs to be acknowledged by more than just a small plaque. She needs to have a proper memorial piece so when her family goes to visit, they can visit in peace knowing that their girl has been laid to rest properly.

If you are capable of donating, please do! If you are unable to, we just ask that you please share this page to your friends and family. God bless each and every one of you.

Together we can help this family find some peace!!

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Susie Kerby
Jefferson City, MO
Rhonda Anthony

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